May 19, 2007 15:25
I'm sick of people again. I just found out my 19 year old cousin is pregnant, for the second time. Her first kid she had when she was 15. Then my friend Kevin, who's currently living with us because his mom is crazy, found out his mom let his dog loose. And not that my uncle's a bad person, but he told me he wouldn't let Eric stay in his huge house this summer because he doesn't know him. Which really sucks, mostly because I'm not getting what I want. Perhaps I'm a bit selfish, but I was really about Eric spending the summer in MA with me. And perhaps it was asking alot of my uncle to let three young adults (my sister, Eric, and I) move into his bachelor pad, but it's not like he doesn't have the room. I sound ungrateful, and I'm not, just disappointed. Fingers crossed, Eric will decide to rent a room in the Cape Cod area.
I've become an isolationist, pack-a-day smoker who sits in my pajamas all day and watches HBO and does laundry. My car is was in the shop for a while, and now my sister's is in the shop, so she's been using my car for school and work. Which means I've been stuck at my house all week. I don't live within anything walking distance. I'm at the bottom of two very large hills, so I could walk to my grandma's about a mile away, but it's ridiculously uphill the entire way. And if I visited my grandma, we'd end up gossiping about the family and playing Skip-Bo or Phase 10 all day. Or worse, my grandpa might guilt me into taking care of his dogs or cleaning out the playhouse for him, and then I"m stuck doing actual work. haha. Besides, Kevin, my new adopted brother, has been here all week, and we've been bonding over Star Trek, Scrubs, and our common hatred for some of my sister's friends.
Yesterday was my sister's last day of high school. She was recently accepted to Pittsburgh Technical Institute for graphic design, and I'm trying to pressure her into getting on-campus housing. She wants to live at home and do the hour and a half drive to classes. I know her well enough to know she'll get too lazy and stop going to class. I'm convinced that she needs to get away from this town and it's limited opportunities. There are 2 kinds of people who grew up in Columbiana County. The people who have no higher aspirations than getting married and popping out kids in this area and the people who know that this area have very little opprotunity and want to get out of here I really don't want Sarah to be part of the former.
I think we're going to go enjoy the sunny day. Maybe we'll go fishing with vienna sausages again, or maybe we'll chill on the porch. I really want to go hiking in Beaver Creek, but my mom wants us to clean the house and I promised to make dinner. And night hikes are a bad idea because we're clumsy.
12 days until I drive to Massachusetts.
16 days until I start my new job.
Miss everyone at SU like you wouldn't believe.