Mar 30, 2005 19:32
Why am I always in a bad mood lately?? I think I must've flipped out on everyone today. I just flipped out on my dad cause I cant go out friday cause I am grounded...which I deserve, cause I came home at 3am friday and ignored his calls. And he wasnt even mad, he just told me I couldnt go out for one week. Not bad. But still, I cant seem to listen, and I cant seem to have anyone tell me what to do at all. I'm terrible. I should just be shot. I'm seriously the biggest bitch to my dad and I dont know why...hes so easy going and nice. I guess its just I've never been told by him that I couldnt go out, and I have some place I really wana go friday and its pissing me off. Oh well Heather suck it.