
Dec 10, 2006 22:10

am growing up. I am realizing things that I should have realized long ago. So many things have come to my attention. It seems now, I shake my head at the [many] ridiculous things so [many] people around me seem to be doing.
I'm not afraid to grow up[well, not AS afraid] anymore. That's good. I am happy with life right now, but at the same time[contradictory, i know] kind of sad. Why? It's just going by so fast. I feel as if days just disappear. I want to grow up, I want to "get ahead" in life, and I want to do all the things[marriage, kids, yada, yada] that people end up doing. BUT, I AM IN NO HURRY to do all these things. I do not want to get married now, and I DEFINITELY do not WANT/need children..NO THANKS.
But, I don't know how to describe it. ahh. It just feels like I'll wake up tommorow and be 27. It's all a little frustrating. I just want to relax, and enjoy my life. But all I can really do is just go on with this year, graduate, and see what happens after that.

...and the fact that it's christmas time, and my paychecks being thirty dollars isn't helping.
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