I'm still alive*grin*

Jun 28, 2007 18:44

Hi guys*huggles* Hope your summer is going well so far and that you all are doing well. I'm doing better and working on getting some closure and moving on. I haven't been online because I've been working alot of overtime and I'm training for a new position at work too. I probably shouldn't have piled more stress on myself right now, but I have to think about my financial future and job security now that I'm not married any more and the oppurtunity came up and I'm taking it. I figure by the end of the summer I should have everything figured out and have a calmer lifestyle.

I'm also doing some fun things and facing my fears one by one. I got my first tattoo a couple weeks ago(a rose and tribal design that says "No Regrets")-and it didn't even hurt!- and I'm actually going skydiving in August. I'm terrified, but excited at the same time. I feel like I'm finally able to just let go and be myself and its freeing and actually makes me more at peace with everything.

Thanx for understanding why I'm not online much right now*hugs* I was going to have some free time this weekend, but my parents came to visit and stay with me the next couple days. It's great to see them though and they are being so cool and supportive even though they are very religious and don't believe in divorce. Then my sisters are flying out next weekend and the three of us are getting the same tattoo as like a sister thing so that is going to be awesome. I just am very blessed right now to have such wonderful family and friends and its made things so much easier.

Wife-I miss ya*hugs tightly* I'll be emailing you soon and sending you some pics. Hope all is well with you and the family!

Well, I've got to go. Hope you guys have a Winchestery great weekend!
Luv ya bunches*blows kisses*
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