Sep 07, 2002 13:15
I went to the football game last night and lets just say that it didn't go so good, in more ways than one. I don't think I will go into those details.....
Jamie is over at Ali's today, I should call and interupt things but I won't. I am not that mean. I am not like some people and interupt them every 5 hehe.
I am going with Nikita tonight to Big Bear for the dance up there and then I don't know what we are doing. I am spending the night at her house. I think my parents are gonna come get me in the morning. I would rather not even come home but oh well.
I need to find me someone to date. That sounds like I am deperate but I just feel as if I am missing out on soo much. Last night I really realized this cause of Ali and Jamie. Everyone is trying to hook me up with different guys but that is what I want. I want to find someone myself cause it just feels like they are making the other person like me. kim and Kelly think I should date Karl Pase, and Jamie, Ali, and Kelli think I should date Josh Robey. I just don't know. I seem to only like assholes....jerks......already taken.......and ggrrrr...... I hate my taste in guys. It sucks soo bad. I see this really cute guy every day on my way to 2nd period and we always look at each other and give a little smile. I should say Hi to him Monday when I pass him again. I think he is a freshman though.
I am supposed to be cleaning house right now but I really don't want to....if I don't though, I won't get to go to big bear. My nose itches really bad. Maybe Ali and Jamie are coming down to see me... I doubt it though.
I was called a whore and prositute yesterday. I didn't mind though cause I know they were just joking. I have been called worse....and I am beginning to think I am.....oh well
Well, I best go now and clean house. Chat later before I leave. bye bye