things, and such

May 04, 2006 17:36

So...last weekend was kick ass

I've been busy, as usual...but I still have time to do things I want to do...

Well, well..where to begin..

I guess I should tell everyone in the world that I hung out with Shane and Jeff...walked around rails and trails for a while...and then came back here and had a good evening..

I drank from the vine...I hung out with Jeff, Jessie, Shane, Tim, and Bryant...while was quite fun. Later on the Beckster called me, and Shane and I met her at True Colors (because Tim was nice enough to drop us off). Too bad they play too much country musik there, otherwise I might have had a better time. It's okay, though. I still had fun. Woowww...I learned all kinds of new things..and was my usual fun drunk self...


Well, we drank with Becky for a while, met her friend Crystal...and talked about various things..we'll have to go to some other bar sometime, or something

After the bar ..Tim picked us god I was fucking drunk..2 bottles of wine, and 2 sex on the beaches later...We found some gurl walking down Market St. the middle of the night...she looked Tim stopped and talked to her...I was sooo fucking drunk at this point...I'm sure I don't remember all of what happened..actually I know I don't..but I remember having even more fun at this point..and going crazzzyyy (does crazy dance) that gurl's name is Rebecca. I told her she had pretty hair, and she said I did too. I do remember that much. Oh, and she gave my a tulip. AND she gave Tim her number..woot, woot.

Mushrooms would have been better..but alcohol is much cheaper.

After we got back to the apt fun was still going on..

Shane passed out and Jeff took some pictures of Tim dancing around Shane's head..that made me laugh soooo fucking hard, I thought I was going to die. ( I was very drunk)

Oh..and this was the first time I'd got drunk since October 28th of last year.

fun weekend...yes..
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