1) Are your parents married or divorced? married!
2) Vegetarian? no way, i couldn't live w/out steak or chicken!
3) Heaven? i believe, i guess.
4) Come close to dying? ohh yes, almost flipped dora.
5) What jewelry do you wear? my necklace everyday.
6) Are you eating? no, it's too late at night to eat.
7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? hahhha yea?
8) Makeup? only eye stuff and that's a new thing.
9) Were you usually the dumper or the dumpee in your past relationships? Dumper.
10) Would you ever have plastic surgery? boob job,bitches!
11) What do you wear to bed? t-shirt and underwear or pants if i'm cold.
12) Have you ever done anything illegal? sure have.
13) Can you roll your tongue? yes.
14) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? single,thanks.
15) What kind of watch(es) do you wear? anne klein.
16) Abortion? if it came down to it.
17) Hair color? beautiful brown.
18) Future child's name? ... Alexandria Elizabeth or Ryan something.
19) Do you snore? sometimes or so i'm told. (mybad)
20) If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go? australia or ireland.
21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? my little lamby i got after surgery.
22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first? pay off debt then buy a bmw x5.
23) Gold or silver? both,mostly gold. fuck you.
24) Hamburger or hot dog? hot dog with cheese.
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose? seafood, clams and crab.
26) Beach, city, or country? Beach, 100%!
27) Who was the last person you touched? i don't kno, iddy does that count?
28) Where do you eat? kitchen, room or living room or brockie commons- new hot spot.
29) When's the last time you cried? the othher night for.5.
30) Have you loved somebody so much it makes you cry? yea, fucking shit.
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? sure, why not.
32) Ever been involved with the police? ahahhahaha yes!
33) Believe in Santa? always will.
34) Do you talk in your sleep? used to.
35) Beach or pool? my pool is amazing, but so is the beach. depends on my mood.
36) Can you cross your eyes? yea?
37) What's your favorite song at the moment? righht now at this moment, none.
38) Window seat or aisle? aisle.
39) Ever met anyone famous? eagle's players do they count?
40) Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship? um,no.
41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? cut it haha and get made fun of for it.
42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? OPRAH.
43) Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery of any kind if confronted? ues, i'd be proud. i'd show them babies off!
44) How long does your shower last? too long. 20-30 minutes.
45) Do you drive stick? don't kno how:(
46) Cake or ice cream? ICE CREAM MAKES ME WEAK!
47) Self-conscious? sometimes.
48) What time do you get up? 6:45,7:45,or 10:30 unless it's the weekend then not til afternoon.
49) Have you ever given money to a bum? nope.
50) When was your first crush? like 1stgrade.
51) Where do you wish you were? NJ.
52) Have you ever broken someone's heart? guilty.
53) Ever been given a ring? yes.
54) Longest relationship? 5 years
55) Last gift you received? christmas gifts.
56) Last sport you played? tennis?
57) Things you spend a lot of money on? food.
58) Where do you live? New Egypt,NJ.
59) High school you attended? new egypt highh schhool!
60) Last wedding attended? fucking, my dad's friend.
61) Favorite fast food resturant? mcdonalds.
62) Where do you work? WINGS daycare stuff.
63) Can you cook? i made some slammin' chicken for my mom one night, but no not really.
64) Most hated food? ?!?!
65) Can you sing? can i? nope. do i? all the time.and i guido pump!
67) Last kiss? saturday morning:)
68) Favorite alcoholic drink? malibu baybreeze.
69) Current crush? i guess this cute boy.