livejournal is lacking!

Mar 10, 2006 19:26

ok, so i won't lie Per made me want to update! it's been far too long. maybe i'm updating so i don't have to go get ready. for some reason i don't want to go out. i have a fridge full of beer and i'm on my computer complaining about going out. oh well. whatever.

honestly, this is how i feel about life.

i'm not sure what's going on,but i'm not content. and i'm alone. it's weird. i want to go home but at the same time i want to stay here. perhaps i'm a mess of emotions. anyway, i'll get over it.

happy birthday ash hole!

i kno it's a day early! i should be home right now. i'm sorry i can't be there for your bash tmw. i have a meeting sunday and i wouldn't be able to make it back if i went home. i suck! but i'll be home in 2 weeks i think!so have fun my loves and take some shots of soco for me!


if these ladies weren't in my life. i'd go insane. they keep me grounded. i love thhemmmmm!
and this guy too!

mason james is getting so big. and is going to have a sister in 2 months!

hurry up summer!
yesterday and today were so beautiful. it made me want summmer so bad. i want to go to the beachh!!!!

so, someone come visit next weekend. please. i promise it will be fun. or rachel let's go to udel! something!!! but i must go get ready!
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