Oct 04, 2004 20:14
Hello everyone...it has been a while since I have updated...so here is the scoop...today I went to walk up to Burger King to see a guy I used to work with named Jason...well on my way there this really creepy looking guy was asking me where I was going and why I was walking all alone...so I told him that I was meeting up with my "boyfriend"...I figured if I said boyfriend he would just leave me alone...so anywho I get up to Burger King and see Jason...we talked for a while and exchanged numbers...I told him I thought his Adam friend was cute so he said that he would try to hook us up...so anywho this girl walks in and I asked if she works at Pet Supplies Plus and she said yes and then I asked if they were hiring and she said...well what school do you go to...and I go Allen Park Community school...so then she goes okay I didn't think you looked like a doosh bag becuase most girls that apply go to Truman...so I was like umm okay thanks I guess lol...ah well needless to say I got the job and I start on Wednesday at 4.....so I am walking on my way back and the same guy that asked me why I was walking alone...was telling me that he thought I was very pretty...that he wanted to be with me...and where I lived and he wanted to give me a ride home...so I am just about to shit my fucking pants here...and I see that he has been following me the whole time...which was about an hour...so I run across the street and go to the Advanced Auto Shop and tell them that this wierd guy had been following me for a while and asked if I could stay there for a little bit...becuase I didn't want the guy to know where I lived...so they copped and atitude with me and go well I guess...and then one goes why didn't you call the cops ...and I have no cell phone...and I sure as hell wouldn't have stopped off at a pay phone...so this really nice guy about my age offered to give me a ride home which I was extemley thankful for...and I must mention that he was cute too lol...damn I should of got the number...ah well...well anywho I am just glad I now am employed...hopefully no more creepy guys follow me anymore...