Aug 08, 2002 14:23
How bout the time i hate people. So i get a call at like 12:30 this afternoon from Fran, who's comin home from Cheerleading camp. Do you think u could pick me up from school? i said i dind't have a car but i would ask heidi and i would call her back in a half hr. Well I called her back in a half hr and left her a message on her phone. Then I called again, and no answer, then I called again and she was at fuckin franzone's. What the fuck? I was like where are u? she's like franzones..i was like i was supposed to pick you up, she was like u never called. i was like yeah i called and left a message then called again and that time i dind't leave a message...grrr...she's really just pissin me off lately cause it's annoyin i dunno...whatever, she's there now and whatver, heidi doesn't have to worry about going to pick her up. but that really aggravates me.