Dresden Files/Doctor Who

Apr 18, 2007 17:29

Okay, you guys remember the post I made with all the Doctor Who videos? Well I decided it was a good time to put up some more and even a few Dresden File ones I'd found. Yes annef, I put them up especially for you.

Dresden Files: Bob Vids

This music video made for the episode " What About Bob?" The reason I put it here is the song 'Falcon in the Dive' is sung by Terrence Mann, the man who plays our beloved Bob from the Scarlet Pimpernel. I feel stupid for not realizing that this man is one of our own born and bread American broadway stars. Enjoy this wonderful vid.

Here is another one for the same episode, with a different song by Terrence Mann called 'Riddle'. It really fits the episode. Yes I'm obsessed, I blame annef.

In other news, because of the episodes "What About Bob?" and "Things That Go Bump" the Harry/Bob slash fanfic community has grown from non-existent to wide spread. *cackles* News like that just tickles me to death.

Doctor Who

Yay, the first Doctor Who Cartoon. This one has Anthony Stewart Head as the bad guy. Woohoo!

David Tennant and Catherine Tate doing a comedy sketch together. You shall giggle, believe me.

I shall have more for you guys later, promise.

doctor who, terrence mann, anthony stewart head, paul blackthorne, dresden files, catherine tate, david tennant

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