So, job choices............

Mar 16, 2007 00:32

I have at least picked up two job applications, have one more in mind and am going to visit a few other places myself tomorrow. So here is what I have so far on my, I will do that list.

Going in order as the ideas came to me:

1. Half Price Bookstores ( I know how to do this job and the dress code allows me to wear my chucks, not a bad thing at all and the discount supposedly rocks. But I'm a bit burnt out on the whole bookseller thing so maybe I'll try that job again later. You never know, especially with my life.)

2. Hobby Lobby ( Since I've gotten a bit crafty, and I mean the glue and glitter kind of crafty, this isn't a bad place to work. And since the normal staff at those stores can never find anything or know where it is mom demands that I work there. It would save me an ass load of money on party projects too. But it's still scary retail.)

3. TJ Max ( Same pros and cons of the one above.)

4. Horse Ranch ( Convenient for many reasons. Since I live outside of Dallas and a god awful distance from everything there is enough horse ranches in walking distance of my house that I could throw a stone, realistically I could use a catapult and hit them. On the circus I was used to getting up at six in the morning to do the customary mucking out of pony stalls and cleaning hooves. This is something I know how to do and personally I miss working with animals. Added bonus, I get some exercise getting to work and get around paying for car fuel. I also bet they'd understand my taking off at the end of the year to do the tour if I come back.)

Okay, so there is an obvious choice and tomorrow I'll see if I get the dream job. I got the phone book, circling what I want and visiting a few on foot that aren't in the phone book. Like the one behind my house. We'll see what happens.

And hush you Anne, I know that I pull too much from my life. Hopefully I'll predict my own life again like I did with Barnes and Nobles, with a happier ending.

help, horsey, me, job, books, crafts

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