"pearls before swine" a new motto i've been learning

Jun 20, 2008 16:50

lately.......things in general have drastically changed.
some of course good and others seriously horrid.
some good changes to my life, i'm happy to say i've moved out, and i even got myself a fiance!

on the other hand ive beening dealing with some pretty fucked up things.
my job i now loathe its very exsistence.
Or the fact that i hate some of my friends, correction i dont hate i dispise.

leah being first on my agenda of anti-friend status. she's been vindictive, cold-hearted, mean, jealous and cruel and now i'm happy to add a back-stabber. thats not even the worst part, i also work with her too....life can truely suck. this behavior all started when i moved out with my now fiance and her boyfriend,its strange but when you move i never thought i'd see her turn an change to such a person.

i've got alot going for myself though....why i even bother to even consider her in anything in my life is still a mystery.
maybe its because she affects me so in MY house that ive grown worn dealing with her bad behavior.....not like i can run from it....she's at my work AND my house....there's no peace for me....
she's also a slob......will and her are going to have a lovely home i'm sure....lol

another friend i've grown apart from is jade.
the shit hit the fan in january when she started saying i wasn't even pretty......i know i'm not gorgeous.....but god forbid i have some self-esteem about me.....sheesh....
she was my party buddy...we'd go out to clubs or (my favorite cause its more low key) bars and we had guys just buy us drinks....i guess Her confidence was going down cause guys started paying attention to me.....joy another 'friend' turn coat and now sayin mean things to me cause i'm getting attention....i'm starting to think only being friends with guys is safer for me.....i'll never have to worry about them getting jealous of me when their own species starts to hit on me....unless their gay in which case i might as well go home and hide under a rock and wait to die cause it would be impossible for me to actually have stable friends......

having a real honest to god good friend is truely hard to find.....

i dont even like my mom right now cause of the crap she's been doing.....she likes to piss people off so they can look like idiots in front of people so they get their dumb-ass' dis-invited to family/friend events.
a week ago friday my mom call me 5 times through out the course of 3 hours.
now so you know my mom never calls unless its to watch my lil'sister or that someone died....
so since its the weekend i know i dont have to watch my sister....my natural conclusion is that someone died.....mind you i'm a responsible adult....i call her back. at her work, at their house an especially her cell phone. i even called my dad who informs me that he's on his way to fire school and that its prolly important so just keep calling her back....by that time i was annoyed....seriously annoyed. like pissed. when she finnally calls....i flip on her, then i tell her she needs to be more responsible and that she scarred me the whole nine yards....yadayada yada....she tells me i don't need to bite her head off then she says she is currently at the nunez's house and that she has impossible signal there.....(if that were the case how is it that she's able to call me from her cell phone????).....she could have left me a message, or sent me a text if that were the case.
so.....she hangs up on me.....i curse alittle bit after this and think nothing of it.

a week later i'm taking care of my lil' sister and she asks me if i'm gonna go to the nunez's annual pool party. i told her i had no clue it was tomorrow and wondered why mom never told me. well this was also the day my dad came home from fire school so we take him out to dinner. i then confront my mom about again not keeping me in the loop. she tells me that the nunez's over heard my rant at her so they dis-invited me, because apparently i upset my mom and they didn't want drama. i kept saying 'ok' like some lunatic and kept smiling cause of all the wretched things i wanted to do not only to my mom but to the nunezes as well for being stuck up cows and not getting all the facts first before making a judgement call like that. i'm so glad i've got my own pool. well.......my house party is coming up and well there's going to be a few people who won't be invitedfor obvious reasons, i'm the type of person that when you grace me with a certain type of behavior i'm more than happy to return the favor. in lamins terms fuck with me i fuck with you...or dis-invite me cause a stupid reason like forcing my mom to grow up and be responsible i dis-invite you for being a wanker and not getting the full story and only believing in a stuck up cow.
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