Visions in the clouds

Jul 29, 2014 14:16

Had some interesting visions in the clouds while standing outside last night talking with my neighbor...
I don't know if the compass directions for where I saw these clouds has any meaning, but the whole thing felt so significant that I want to keep every detail.
I was standing with my neighbor in her driveway and we were talking after we had come back from the gym. I looked to the Northwest and saw a dragon shape in the clouds. As we kept looking up periodically, this cloud morphed into first an elephant, then a woman riding a galloping horse with her hair streaming out behind her. Then, to the West, we saw a bright yellow shooting star. I only caught it out of the corner of my eye, but could still tell it was yellow. My neighbor saw it full-on. I looked back up to the Northwest and the cloud, although disappearing, looked like an angel with wings, and the craziest part of it was the more I stared at it the more it looked like it was really flying. I said out loud that I should probably get my angel cards back out.
My neighbor and I continued to talk and she seemed to see something in the sky due South, thinking I'd just missed another shooting star I whirled around to see a cloud that first struck me as a dragon complete with rider, but then I also realized it resembled a Viking ship with sails unfurled. We then looked due East and saw a rabbit cloud shape, with large teeth and a hole for the eye.
Shortly after this we both headed inside our homes. When I took my last look in the sky, the last cloud shapes we'd seen were gone.
I have no idea what all this could mean, I haven't had the opportunity to process through all this. It just feels significant.
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