Mar 05, 2014 09:19
I've been running in the evenings with my awesome next door neighbor, who's pretty much one of the sweetest people I know. She's being super patient with me and going slow so I can jog at a level that's enough for me just starting out. We've been running for a few weeks, but just 2 days a week. This week is the first week we'll actually be running the full three days. We are staying on week 1 until I feel comfortable enough to move on to the next week. :)
Because I haven't run in YEARS, and the last time I did I was 20 pounds lighter, my body is NOT happy with me. My back is killing me and my knees are screaming in protest. I have never had knee pain in my life, and I hobble around like an old lady....I think what I'm doing wrong (other than making my 220-pound body RUN) is I'm stepping like a fat person, that is, knee-knocked. I'm not sure how I managed to do it, but I really have to be mindful of my posture and position. This sucks - I am not a fan of pain. :(
When I got home last night after the run, I was hurting. The pain is really discouraging - and I have to wonder if my body is telling me this is not what I should be doing. BUT, if I don't do SOMETHING, then I'll be like this forever...and right now this is all the exercise I can squeeze into my schedule. I make time for it and don't feel bad that my kids have to be inconvenienced to help Andy watch the little ones because I need to do something for ME. I feel like it's my one shot to make a difference toward losing all this weight.
I don't want to end up like my mother, who is and has always been overweight, and is diabetic and starting to develop additional issues due to the diabetes.