Apr 09, 2017 15:45
I'm just going to dive in like it hasn't been forever. We are looking to move to either Minneapolis or Massachusetts this summer. My anxiety has taken a strange form: perseveration and obsession with skincare.
What what!? Well, plenty of people develop strange behavior or control issues when life is turbulent/unpredictable. I guess I'm lucky it's not an eating disorder, shoplifting, sex addiction etc. I'm on beautypedia constantly, I am reading every article on skincare and makeup ever, I am even falling for Facebook clickbait. It takes even more time because I am on a tight budget, so I can't just buy what I want and hope for the best. I have to research and bargain hunt and look up coupon codes and search for sales. This isn't from out of nowhere. After my surgery for skin cancer, I thought it was time to up my SPF game. I've always made it a habit to never leave the house without sunscreen, but I had been on a drugstore budget. Then Ulta had its Beautysteals sale, so I invested in some high SPF primers from BareMinerals. Although I love BareMinerals, I had to admit a couple of years ago that any power-based makeup just doesn't work for me any more. My skin is dry and "aging", so powder showcases any flakes and fine lines I'm dealing with.
Bit by bit, I overhauled my entire routine. I upgraded my products to include glycolic acid, retinol, and skin quenchers. I use microcellar water (Simple) and 10% glycolic acid toner (Peter Thomas Roth) in the morning when I wake up. I switched to tinted primer layered over my daytime SPF, and gel blush instead of powder (my faves are Tarte Natural Beauty and Glossier's Cloud Paint). I use a cream highlighter (Glossier's haloscope) and serum eyeshadow (Butter London) instead of powder. I haven't found a clear mascara that I like, but would love some reccommendations if you have one, especially if it has lash conditioning properties. After a glowing reccommendation from a friend expert (thanks Coco, aka BeautyWolf) I added Holy Snails' Shark Sauce serum and Snowbang Essence, and made a Paula's Choice purchase when they were having their Spring sale. At night, I double cleanse with Burt's Bees cleansing oil and Himalaya Neem and Turmeric gel cleanser. I use my Holy Snails duo, and then spot treat with Paula's Choice BHA9. I treat with PTR Retinol Fusion PM. Then I mix Neutrogena's Hydro Boost Gel-Cream with Paula's Choice RESIST Moisture Renewal Oil Booster (I am a dry, dry, extra dry gal). I use Lansinoh HPA Lanolin on my lips at night and Glossier's balmdotcom over Burt's Bees lipstick during the day.
See? I wasn't fooling. I think I'm in a good place now, and I need to stop tinkering and let this products have some time to really work. I have a follow-up with my dermatoligist next month, so we'll see what he has to say.
retail therapy,
product reviews,