(no subject)

Jan 19, 2011 10:20

Often times I'll do things a certain way because it makes sense to me, and not realize for quite awhile that I'm bucking a serious trend. I'm pretty weird with money.
I did the whole "in debt" thing. My ex, Mike, was a runaway spending train, and he and I got into some serious bad habits regarding spending (and other things) when we lived together. I spent all my graduation money, everything that came through my little fingers, and starting abusing my credit card. By 2003, I was living in that crack-den apartment in Bushwick, eating "mexican calzones" for dinner 5 nights a week (I'll explain that if you really want me to, but you won't like it), and charging my utilities on my credit card. That's when I took the job at MP, even though I thought it would seriously derail my search for a job in publishing. But though it had many (many) downsides, working at MP was insanely lucrative. This will sound naive, but I was not familiar with the concept of the yearly bonus when I took the job. I thought bonuses were for executives, not admins, and up until that point, all of my jobs had been service or creative oriented. So when they threw five grand at me after I'd only been working there for three months and called it a bonus, I felt like I'd won the lottery. I quickly hauled myself out of debt, and I've been a super-saver ever since. Which is why, even when it looked like I might not get an assistantship, I opted out of student loans completely.
Apparently, my fellow students (the ones whose parents aren't still writing checks for them) all took out student loans, and if they have tuition waivers, they use them for living expenses. I get a cost-of living stipend for working at the center, but but student fees this semester cost me an entire month's worth of stipend. So until February 1st, I'm charging my groceries. But I'm squeaking by. Rent is cheap, I don't have a car, I'm mostly too busy for a social life, and I have my eyes on the prize.
It can be difficult. I'd gotten used to middle-class comforts- replacing things when they break, treating myself to a little something when I'm down, buying a present for Carey here and there, taking little trips to see friends. But I have to remember that though I'm low on beer and pizza money now, I will (hopefully) graduate in 2012 with a little seed money to start my new career and new life with Carey. Worth it.

grad school, money

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