I am a person who enjoys my own company. I don't prefer it to others' company, but I'm comfortable enough alone that if I want to do something that no one else feels like doing, I'll do it anyway. The one exception is that I don't like going out to eat by myself. I like eating by myself if I can read a book or watch a movie, but sitting by myself in a restaurant eating is not really fun for me. There's not enough going on in a restaurant for people watching, and I get bored.
Last night Netflix was doing this thing in Central Park for the 70th anniversary of The Wizard of Oz. They were having a little mini concert of songs from the movie and then showing the film on a huge inflatable screen. I was totally in. The movie is a classic, it was free, and it's getting cold enough now that this might be one of the last big outdoor events like this. Of course, I waited until the day of the actual screening to see if anyone else wanted to go. So I ended up going by myself.
I stopped by Saks first. I have this gift card my bosses gave me that I've had a really hard time spending, because I hate Saks and everything's so pricey that I have to find something I like enough to spend a little of my own money on as well. I wore the heels of my winter boots clean through last winter, so I thought I'd check out their selection, which was basically Uggs. I didn't want to buy the suede ones, so I tried on ones made out of sweater material. They were made more for style than function, though- the neck of the boots is made without any support and slouches almost to the ankle, leaving the majority of my lower leg open to the biting winter air. I left bootless.
On the way to the movie site I picked up some screw-top wine and snacks. When I got close to 69th and 5th where the screening was, there were people flooding in even though I was 45 minutes early. The concert was pretty good.
They had a couple guys from The Roots, Julianne Hough (who I could've done without), and Jennifer Hudson, who was fabulous. I uploaded a youtube video of her "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewz6-U-vs6wCheck it out before it gets shut down. I recorded it with my little camera and you can still hear how she sings the sh*t out of this song. She also nearly eats it around 3:15, and recovers with grace and humor. I like her a lot.
The movie started right after the concert, and sadly, they didn't dismantle the elevated press platform constructed for the concert. The worst of it was this huge crane with the camera they'd used to tape the concert, which appeared to be picking Dorothy's nose through most of the beginning of the movie:
People yelled and no one did anything. I, of course, was THAT GIRL. I asked my neighbors to watch my stuff and looked around for someone who might be able to do something. I found a group of girls who'd been passing out promotional items and asked if they were in contact with the people running the event. I told them about the crane, and they just shook their heads until I showed them my Blackberry of the video screen with the crane in the middle. One of the girls went off in search of the higher power, and 2 minutes later they moved the crane. Everyone cheered but I did not stand up, take credit, and take a bow, because no one cares.
I don't remember the first time I saw this movie, but I will say that the moment things switch to color is still a crazyamazing magical experience, even after all these years
Carey showed up when Dorothy and the gang got to the Emerald City, and I missed that whole scene when security wouldn't let him in. I grabbed Paige, the girl who had awesomely fixed the crane issue, and she told the security guys to let Carey in. Are you listening, Netflix? Paige ROCKS.
The rest of the movie was great, as was sharing my picnic with Carey and walking to Columbus Circle through the park with him. The night was crisp though not cold. I've just been LOVING NYC lately.