I'm a little late on the New Year stuff. That doesn't mean I have no resolve, though. Ringing in the New Year oceanside, with champagne in my hair and sparklers in my hands in Maui was such a terrific start; I feel like I have a chance despite the gloomy economy and my sketchy job situation.
So far, in 2009, I've:
Gotten up early before work and exercised every day
Made healthy lunch choices
Limited my rabid consumption of Christmas-gifted Godiva chocolates to three pieces per day
Gotten started on 2 new pitches for TONY
Called my mother
Been crazy productive and organized and proactive and punctual(and spazzy and paranoid) at work
Unpacked my bags in a timely fashion
Kept my apartment neat and organized
Resisted getting a haircut despite the awful grow-out length it's at
Tried a fun new brunch place with the boys (
http://nymag.com/listings/restaurant/bourbon-street-pantry/ )
This year, my top ten is:
1. Write more
2. Finish those little apartment touches and continue to unclutter
3. See my friends more
4. Try to exercise 5 times a week
5. Learn a new skill
6. Read good books and see good films (feed my brain)
7. Take advantage of living in the city more (and go to more museums!)
8. Be proactive about my health, both physical and emotional
9. Try to buy more things I need and less things I "feel like buying this second"
10.Be employed