Apr 11, 2003 20:22
What a week. I'll say it again. What a week.
David and I are history. As predicted, when I called to tell him I wouldn't be sleeping over, I came clean and told him that I couldn't move forward in our relationship. He was very nice about it but ended up choking up and hanging up on me. Then I put down the phone and cried because I felt so bad. However, knowing that the pressure's off does feel good. Just not quite as good as I thought it would.
My callback went fairly well, but I was supposed to hear back today, and I haven't. That means no Henry VI for me. On the other hand, I got called today for "The Stepford Wives" starring Nicole Kidman and John Cusack. They are considering me for the movie's intro. Sweet.
My possible future boss called me today and I have an interview at HGTV on Tuesday for big money and big responsibility. I'm gonna trust in Fate for this one. I also have an interview on Monday for a runway show in May- good opportunity for exposure and $$. Geez, I'm talking so much shop, here. My career(s) have official replaced my personal life.
In just 30 agonizingly long minutes, pizza will be at my door. I've had nothing but coffee, cigarettes and pita bread all day- I'm gonna demolish that baby.
I love baseball. I love it. The pressure, the pace, the relationship between the catcher and the pitcher, the strategy, the stats, the fans, the legacies, and yes, even the curse (Bosox fan here). I'm so happy the boys are back-especially Shea Hillenbrand-he will be mine, oh yes, he will be mine.
single life,