Sep 05, 2012 22:12
So, I got in to work today to find voicemail from TWU's recruitment manager. I called her back and she offered me the coordinator position! There was no interview at all - me or anyone else. Turns out, if there's only one internal candidate, and the search committee members all agree on the internal candidate, then no interviews have to be done. They just offer me the job. The position is effective tomorrow, but, I can stay part-time until I'm ready. I had originally planned to go full-time for 5 weeks starting the last week in September, in order to help with application processing. So now, I'll just go full-time, then stay that way.
I've been on and off excited and overwhelmed since I accepted the position. I'm a little sad that Ansel will go in to daycare full-time. Though, he likes it there, and Starr likes him. He'll be going to kindergarten in a year anyway. Heck, I briefly tried to get him in to kindergarten this year, as it is. Going full-time to daycare isn't that much different than had he gone to kinder early. I'm going to try my best to give him lots of love and attention in the evenings and weekends, though. He's my sweet baby boy, and I don't want him to feel neglected.
I'm overwhelmed for a lot of reasons. We JUST started application processing, so my mind is on that, not the new job. I'm coordinating that, but I was going to be doing that, regardless of whether I had gotten the position. I want to move in to the new office that comes with the new job, but I feel like moving is a waste of my processing time. The desire to move and get settled is taking up a lot of space in my mind, though, so I might have to do it just to clear out room for processing details. My mind works that way.
I'll be doing a lot more things in the new position, so learning those things is lurking in my mind, too. I'm sure my boss will allow lots of time on that one, though - processing applications is most important.
The new job, and application processing happen to fall right in the month of Ansel's birthday. I've got to somehow plan a birthday party and clean my house for overnight guests with all of this work stuff on my mind. Ansel's party is going to be in our backyard, with several confirmed guests (friends from daycare and their parents) who have never been to our house. That puts on more pressure to have the house looking good. This is not really something I can let go of, either. Again, that's just how my mind works.
Oh, and it's a good thing I got the job, because it's only the first week of September, and we're pretty much broke. Well, not broke in the sense that we have NO money, but broke in the sense that there is no more money beyond what we need to pay bills and buy groceries. Just about everything is earmarked for something already. I'm really looking forward to having that extra salary come in.
A few posts back, I mentioned that I was thinking of hiring a personal trainer just to get me started on the right track. I finally broke down and contacted her. She and I are meeting for my free consultation this coming Monday. So, maybe I'll be exercising all of this stress away. Granted, getting this full time job, and then also taking time to exercise leaves less time for my little boy. (Mom guilt.)
Oh, more stress. I almost forgot. My boss wants me to help her hire an advisor to replace me and my coworker who left a couple weeks ago. SO, now I'm coordinating application processing, moving my office, learning new tasks, planning a birthday party, freaky cleaning my house, potentially starting an exercise routine (where I'm going to find the money to pay for personal training services, I'm not sure - plastic, I guess) AND I'm responsible for sorting through resumes and interviewing for new co-workers.
I'm blessed, though. :)
I'll make it through just fine. Maybe. If I can make it through September, and even more so, if I can make it to the end of the year, I'll be good.