May 29, 2005 14:12
Lately life has been on the upside despite my migraines.....
I am feeling so happy lately....
I got back in touch with my ex-fiance and we have seen eachother 3 times. 2 of the times he has spent the night here with me @ my place, and I swear, the time apart we had did him sooooo much good. We interact as if we were starting over @ day in love still...all the feelings just came rushing right back. It's great....but, he has to finish school and so do I...But we are going to keep seeing eachother and just see what happens......and if it's God's will for us to be then we will be...
It's amazing how time can do so much good....and it's amazing how I feel, how he makes me feel
Been to 2 weddings in the last week. My friend Emily's wedding was a blast. She was sooo beautiful....we were crying she and emotional.
I got SMASHED @ the reception- thank God I had a ride home....!
It was fun fun fun fun fun!
I got sick as a dog though @ 3am this morning, and had a migraine on top of it. Couldn't go to work, but oh well. They were overstaffed anyways....
I'm doing good!
Having some drama with a guy I'm seeing cause he is too old for me for one, and he is "expectant" of me to have sex with him, when I don't want to......ahhhhhhhh
I hate drama...I need to tell him to chill out--and he's the "friend" I'm going to Kauai with too...but it's'll all be OK...I pray.