i stole this from
http://www.livejournal.com/users/xnewkidx ... I don't talk to him... just was reading his journal... but yeah I decided to do it... instead of finishing my drawing for class and writing about this past weekend's happenings!!! enjoy
---------------THE BASICS----------------
* Name On Birth Certificate: Heather Eileen Brodsky
* Nicknames: Big Gunz, hebber... Brodsky
* Birthday: August 18, 1983
* School: Northhampton Community College (aka 12th grade)
* Colour of eyes: Green with blue on the outside and right around pupil light brown(yellowish)
* Height: 5'3
* Shoe Size: 9.5-10
* Brothers/Sisters: Sarah, Megan
* Who lives with you: my mom, and sister Megan
* When is your bedtime?: usually around 2am
----------HAVE YOU EVER-----------
* Been so drunk you blacked out: nope
* Missed school because it was raining: yeah, but that's b/c I faked being sick, rain does that
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: nope... not that I recall
* Kept a secret from everyone: yeah
* Had an imaginary friend: I don't think so and my mom said nope just my blanky
* Wanted to hook up with a friend: maybe... not hook up hook up
* Cried during a Movie: yes... and this is a new thing for me
* Had a crush on a teacher: does that include student teachers???
* Ever thought an animated character was hot: lol... yeah... people laugh... b/c I'm like if that cartoon was human he'd be hot... TRENT on Daria... come on now what a hottie
* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: lol... this is the reason for me taking this test... yes.. the record, x-mas tape, and 3 cd's... still listen to the cd's... I'm all about NKOTB!!!
* Been on stage: yeah... but not like performing... not unless last years ski retreat counts...
* Cut your own hair: yes... and don't ever give yourself bangs!!! and one time I got a roll brush stuck in the back, and had to cut it out... i had little spikes in the back!!!
* Been sarcastic: NO!!!... lol... yeah you could say that...
* Shampoo: anything that is clarifying
* Soap: Dove
* Color: Green
* Day/Night: night
* Summer/Winter: autum/fall
* Lace or satin: satin, lace itches too much
* Cartoon Characters: old batman and robin (bam boom days)
* Fave Food: chicken... anything chicken
* Fave Advertisement: the chinese elvis on the way home from the mall
* Fave Ice Cream: edys anything and ben and jerry's
* Fave Subject: Art
* Fave Drink: non alcoholic: sprite/7 up and juice alcoholic: amareto sours... smirnoff ice... strawberry dac... I can't spell any of them but strawberry dacs taste better without the alcohol
-------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: my hershey pants... comfy, dead poetic t-shirt( Corporate), redners shirt, and old navy zip up hoodie, socks
* Hair is: in need of a haircut/re-highlightaion... messy look
* I'm feeling: bored... pain
* Eating: chewing on gum... the best there is too... carefree koolers mint!!
* Drinking: nothing
* Thinking: about how I want to write about this past weekend and i did it yesterday, but is got messed up, and how I miss certain people
* Listening to: My Kazaa... and the song "Exit Does Not Exist" - Modest Mouse
* Talking to: no one... I don't feel like it, so I put up away messages
-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------
* Cried: yep
* Worn a skirt: nope
* Met someone new: yes, i meet lots of people I work at a grocery store... lots of old people... but yep
* Cleaned your room: nope... but it is in need of a cleaning
* Drove a car: yes
------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
* Yourself: sometimes... depends on what I'm doing
* Your friends: few... mainly Laura
* Santa Claus: nope... I had an older sister... that one stopped when i was like 4
* Tooth Fairy: nope... but I believe my mom put money under my pillow until I was like 12...
* Destiny/Fate: i hope for it... i belive God has a plan for my life...
* Angels: yeah... I'm getting a tattoo of one on my foot right between the flip flop thongs!!!!
* Ghosts: nope
* Alternate life forms: nope
------------FRIENDS AND LIFE--------------
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
* Who have you known the longest: well Nicole... i moved... so here, Laura friends wise
* Who's the shyest: Laura... she hides when I talk to strangers... ie the vest kid!!! but takes a pic after
* Who's the weirdest: me most likely... and traci
* Who do you go to for advice: well, it used to be Parker... but not anymore... I don't know
* Who do you cry with: meself usually... i don't like to let people see me cry... but it happens usually while worship
* When did you cry the most: lol... loudest... was at church... had to leave, but I would have to say when my grandfather died... :0(
* What's the best feeling in the world: crying for a while... for no reason... and getting a hug after that cry... that hug feels like no other!!!
* Worst Feeling: loosing a good friend... and your father thinking you hate him!!!!