Jul 03, 2008 19:23
I took Isis to the vet, this is third day so nails are okay - have grown over quick so dr said no problem now. She checked Isis very thoroughly and offered to give her pain meds for two days but said that Isis didn't really show any signs of pain right now, and we didn't want to add to her distress, so no meds.
Vet was glad I had been talking softly to Isis a couple of times an hour, and also did Reiki on her without touching her.
Vet said she is very stressed out still, but seems to be coming around (I agree).
I asked what I could do and vet said to keep talking to her, let her come to me and let Isis make the decision when she wants to socialize again.
So far has only used litter box that first night, then to pee once last night, but she did eat some food during the night so hoping for more stuff in litter box soon. Didn't realize how many times a day she comes to me demanding (howling) that it be cleaned immediately - little pain in the ass, how I miss that! So since day before yesterday litter box has been used three times in all, and once she ate food. Something is definitely wrong, she is in shock from something.
She is still not letting me touch her, if she even thinks I am going to touch her she shrinks away from me. Talking a little bit now, more of a mewling chirp but at least it is something, a couple of times she even cried a bit.
This morning she leaned against my leg while I was still in bed and if I moved my leg she clomped back down on it with her bum - very good sign! So while I was lying there, no way was I going to move with Isis leaning on me, I entertained myself with visions of shaving the heads of all the females in that grooming store.
Isis and I both thank everyone for your support and well wishes (from other chat rooms too), and joining us in our anger against the rough treatment of one of our pets♥♥♥ Oh, and the lousy grooming job too.
winthrop ma,
bad animal treatment,
bad customer service