Nov 26, 2004 19:59
hey guys its seems like i have been gone for ever even thought it was only 9 days!!! well i had so much fun while i was gone but i miss everyone so so so much but i mostly missed kevin. well i will let you guys know everything that i did!!
Wednesday- i left early in the morning and got to hawaii at 9 pm their time which was really 1 am here in michigan. i was exausted. so when we got to the hotel we were staying at we met up with this guy named chai. he owed the room we were staying in so he had to talk to my mom. let me tell you something that guy can talk forever. i think it was 10:30 by the time he left the room. he was telling us how the air conditionar was frozen cause the people but it on freezing and left so he told us not to put it there well then we went to bed once he finally left
Thursday- we walked down the block to the beach which was really packed but it was okay cause we still had a spot. the water was really warm but at first it seemed kinda cold. once we got out we stayed out. then we went to the abc store (there is one on every corner) we were getting some food for lunch because we had not gone to the grocery store yet. im pretty sure thats all we did
Friday- we just stayed at the pool in our hotel. it was weird cause we were excited not to have to swim in salt water but we got in it was like salt water with chlorine. we were confused. anyways then me gaylynn and my mom all went tot he grocery store while my dad took a nap.well lets jus say the grocery store is rally hard to find when you have no idea how to get there. plus what else makes it hard is that they only have one way streets in wahkiki. anyways it was freezing in the fruit sectiona nd my mom spent like an hour finding fruit for us. we also went to the international market place and baught some stuff.
Saturday- we woke up and went to pearl harbor that was okay i was really tired so i wasn't really paying to much atttention. but when we went out on the boat to take us to the memorial of the arizona the girl parked the boat much better then the guy. jus thought iw ould share that with you. i cant remember if we went to a beach or to the pool after that.
Sunday- we went on a dolphin slash snorkling thing which was pretty cool except there weren't alot of cool fish. we did see a sea turtle though which was really cool. the dolphins were cool to look at to they like jump in the air and spin exceppt they do that as a natural instinct they were not trained to do it, on the thing we had a lady that drove the van that we took to the ocean and my dad fell in love with her even though she is only like 20 yeah he told me not to tell my mom but she already could tell.
Monday- we went on this hike in the rain forest which was really pretty the trail was really slippery though yeah i never fell but almost did a few times. lol. then we got to a waterfalll which was really pretty and we had to walk on certain rocks so we didn't get wet well i did good across the first time but on the way back i didn't know where to go so i just ran threw the water. they guy just kinda laughed at me.
Tuesday- we were supposed to go surfing but the instructor said the conditions were not very good fro surfing so we just went to a and gaylynn stayed in the water the whole time it was so warm. i only wish the ocean wasn't salt water. that was pretty much our whole day.
Wednesday- we went surfing me and gaylynn had a blast. we didn't think we were gunna be able to do it at all but first we ahd to do this thing where you get used to how the board balances and the waves feel then the guy was like true to stand up and we both got it on our first try. the guy said that we were the easiest people to teach that to. one time i stood up and my foot like slipped and i flipped over it was hilarious except i got lots of salt water up my nose. we stayed at the beach for like and hour after we wre done surfing. after that we went back to the hotel to get ready for the luow which was so much fun. our tour guide person was cousin teng (every is called cousin in hawaii) he was also a big talker. but the girls got flower lais and the guys got the bead lais we got our picutre taken girls with the hawaii guy and guys with the hawaiian girl (both which were half way clothed) then we went in and made our own wrist lais, we were gunna make these anklet lay things you braid that put flower in it but i could figure it out so the lady did it for melol. then we made a head band thing. that was all a blast! then we ate food was yummy and filled me up. we did the hula i wasn't very good at it and we watched a show . then we went back to the hotel and i was very very tired so i went to bed.
Thursday- we woke up and finised out packing went to a beach because he didn't have to be at the airport until later. well there were really big waves like 8-10 feet and we kept getting taken under , gaylynns bathign suit broke and came flying off but she got i on really quick which was funny. but the bad thing about the waves is when the took up under we had sand all over. butwe rinsed off alittle and went out to eat. we went to tgif fridays and went we were leaving i knocked over my pop yeah it was funny. then we walked back to the car and went to the airport. we got there so early we asked if there was an earlier flight sure was and we got home 5 hours sooner!!!!!!
well you can see that i had funn i missed you all especially you kevin! I love you!