Married life

Dec 08, 2007 11:34

So, I suck at the LJ thing. Not only do I not post, but I haven't found any friends! Haha, I think I need to start looking around. I've joined a lot of communities lately but haven't been much on posting anything.

Christmas is right around the corner and I only have about 5 more presents to buy! 2 Dirty Santa, a game for Brian, a gift card and moms cookware. I feel I really picked out the prime gifts this year, or so I hope anyways. I've spent lots of money and time so lets hope everyone enjoys what I bought them!

How is everyone doing and how have the holidays been for you?

Brian and I met a new family for Thanksgiving (Mom's boyfriends family) which was great! We had a lot of fun giving thanks with new people and enjoying a wonderful meal learning and talking about everyone. It's refreshing to know so many great families to spend the holidays with.

We're throwing a Dirty Santa party this friday which I think will be lots of fun! I'm cooking dinner for our guests before the game which will be lots of fun. I just hope I can get around to all of it considering I work until 4 and the party starts at 7! PHEW! I will be a very worn out but it will be well worth it. I love being able to celebrate this way with all our friends so I can't wait!

Well, other than that we've been very busy. Our lease with our roommates is up the 8th of March so we're trying to pay off all our debt to get into a house. Glad mine is a very lot debt but Brian's will take some time. But we're working hard and hopefully we'll either be renting or owning a new house. I'm sick of this apartment living, it isn't any fun! Married life has been great, insane we've already been married a month and I giggle everytime someone messes up my new last name. It's annoying to Brian but funny to me.

So yeah, hope everyone is great and hope to hear some great holiday stories from some of you soon!

thanksgiving, christmas

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