Dec 18, 2004 16:03
I have to go Christmas shopping today!!!! I'm all done I just got 3 people left on my list and umm thats cause I don't know what to get them.. :(
I just got out of the shower and I feel clean!!! :) lol I can't believe its already 4 o'clock ... umm I just had breakfast about 2 hours ago.... why isnt it dark out yet?? its usually dark by this time.
So my sore throat went away (THANK YOU GOD)!! and I only have 3 days left of Academics... not bad, I guess??
Alright so I got this whole thing figured out..Whitney doesn't talk shit about me, Sherry just lied. I'm not going to post the whole thing on here because well everyone reads this, but how am i supposed to believe a girl who says her phone line got cut down by her neighbor when he was mowing the lawn
.. K hold on here
-I thought you have to go up onto the Telephone posts to cut the phone line.... a lawn mower will not do it
- Why was her neighbor mowing her lawn?
- Who the fuck mows their lawn in the middle of December
I hate how she tries turning me against ppl by saying something stupid like "omg her shoes don't matcher her purse" WTF??. she gets mad when someone does better than her, okay when did this become a competition?? and she lies about the most stupidest things but then looks like a fucking idiot when she gets caught. and acting dumb for attention is not funny. in fact its stupid, because I've had ppl ask me if she is mentally challenged, and I'm starting to think she is.
I'm bored. I have no Confirmation Class today <3 But I do tommorow unfortunatelt ay 9 in the a.m. which means I have to get up early on a Sunday! Its all good tho, cause we're just doing our presentation, and then I don't have to go back for 3 weeks!!
I can't wait till Christmas vacation, but I kinda don't want it to come cause cause the past 4 months have gone by really fast, and I know after Christmas vacation its only going to go by faster, and it kinda scares me. Everything is changing so fast. I say I like change when it really scares me, but I like that feeling....I think. I mean its great cause I learn so much but I kinda just like things the way they are right now. I dunno. We'll see what happens