(no subject)

Oct 13, 2005 22:40

Ten Favorite:
Color-: blue
Food-: popcorn
Band-: right now im on a matchbox 20 and jessica simpson run. i know, crazy
Movie-: the notebook
Sport-:volleyball, seasons over, im kind of sad, but now i can have a life again, and i no longer have 7th graders attached to my leg like three yearolds
Season-: anything w/o snow
Day of the week-: Saturday
Ice Cream Flavor-: mint choco chip
Time of the Day-: night

9 Current:
Current Mood-: exausted
Taste-: toothpaste
Clothes-: pj's
Computer Background-: bright blue sky to make me feel like everyone happy
Finger/Toenail Color-: toes are pink cuz they are waiting for flipflop season again
Crush-: Brent
Thought-: I hope i dont suck on my humanities test tomorrow
Love-:other peoples attention

8 Firsts:
First Best Friend-: karissa
Love-: Brent
Screen Name-: tigger2321742
Pet-: minnie
Crush-: mr. murphy haha, this is great
Piercing-: Ears
Word-: no idea.
Car-:my stratus

7 Last:
Last Cigarette-: when i was drunk at travis's this summer
Drink-: orange soda, did u know A&W has orange soda?
Car Ride-: on my way back from the final volleyball game of the season
Text Message-: "jeremy was wondering if u would help him move some of the stuff from his shop up north on saturday" to brent tonight
Movie Seen-: into the woods for my intro to theatre class
Phone Call-: brent
Song Listened to-: umm. i'll get back to u on that

6 Have you ever:
Have you ever dated one of your best friends-: woopsie, yeah
Broken the Law-: yes
Been arrested-: no
Skinny dipped-: nope :)
Been on TV-: yes, we used to have to perform for colorguard atleast once a year for good day wisconsin
Kissed someone you didnt know-: Nope

5 Things:
You're Wearing-: tank top, underwear, hair tie, another hair tie im out. sorry :(
You did last night-: homework.
You can hear right now-: will and grace
You cant Live without-: attention, love, want for more
You do when your Bored-: i dont have time to get bored
4 States you have been to:
1-: minnesota
2-: georgia
3-: florida

3 people you can tell anything to:
2-: tracie
3-: brent

2 Choices:
Black or White-: Black
Winter or Summer-: winter-snow=greatness

People You would Do Anything For: depends what kind of anything you're talking about.
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