Hey Everyone What is up i am so bored i am looking on
www.rampage.com for cool clothes i found this really great dress on there for like $34.99 and it came down from $88.99 thats a big difference.The only thing that i don't like is that they have a little selection of clothing ....i can't beleve that we had off school today, that is so gay that means that we are going to have to make these days up in the summer and that makes me so mad!!!!!!
i am kinda stressed that all the finals are coming up and we are missing all this school, so iam orried about the one for Algebra 1...ahhh i am worried
Oh well though just asd long as i don't get Mista Connell again -lol-
wow i really like the color of this text Ü
well my day amounted 2 nothing all i did was talk on the phone about guys we think are Hot and go to Wal* Mart and bought a new hair straightner!!!
Funny Story...that is true:
Well at like 10:55ish in the night of winter ball i was dancing w/ this really hot guy( if u ask i will tell) and my phone starts 2 vibrate i answer and its my mom, shes like "Heather its really icee i want you and Lexi to come out now" so we did and we got drinks on the way out when we get to the truck we both go to get in and i was on the driver side and she was getting in on the passenger side. I closed my dor and all the sudden my dad takes offf and Lexi is still hanging out the side of my truck saying "wait im not in yet, wait" as she is being drug across the parking lot!!
well it wasn't funny at the time, but it is nowÜ
signing off
Oh my Gish -lol-