Aug 14, 2006 10:49
I live with my mom and my bro. He's 17. I have no pets of my own tho we do have family pets. a dog and cat. My family is separated. Times can be rough but we just gotta stick together. My life is pretty same day to day for the most part. I spend a lot of time just playing video games, just a way to pass time i guess. It can be fun though i'll admit but other things are fun too, like getting drunk but it's hard to play games drunk and accomplish much. Better to just sit around with a few ppl and play music and laugh at each other all night. That's an ideal night to me. Wooohoooo!!!! Bars can be fun too but then i have to worry about driving and cops. I got out of trouble a cpl years ago and i hope to stay that way. I got busted over drinking underage when i was 20 how lame. All they gave me was a year of probation, but it still sucked real bad. Cops suck ass. My only bit of advice about them is, avoid them at all costs.