Lucky findings

Jul 03, 2012 19:14

   I went to buy a birthday present for the two year old boy whose birtday I missed on Sunday. I'm meeting him and his family tomorrow for a trip to an island outside Helsinki, and my cousin is coming too, with her baby. It will be interesting to go there together, I've never been there with this particular bunch of people. I hope the weather keeps fine, because it's been very sunny and warm today. It's always a bit cooler on the island, of course, because the winds are free to blow from all directions.
   It's Tuesday again, so here's this week's batch of questions:

1251. Do you believe that people should be able to choose death for themselves if they want to end their lives?   Hard to say, maybe.

1252. Is there anything you morally object to?   Lots of things that are against the law,

1253. What would you never do for money?   I wouldn't commit a crime, or prostitute myself, or sell my vote, to name a few things

1254. Applebees, the Outback, or TGI Friday's?   What are those?

1255. Which do you drink the most: juice, soda, milk, or water?    Juice.

1256. What sport do you like to watch the most?   I don't really watch any sports.

1257. What sport do you like to play the most?   I don't play any sports either.

1256. Do you write poetry?   No.

1257. Are you aggressive?   No.

1258. Have you ever fallen from grace?   Yes, plenty of times.

1259. Does it bother you when a band you like gets really popular?   I don't hear of bands beforet they are popular...

1260. Has anyone ever won you a stuffed animal?   No

If yes, did you name it after the person who won it for you?   -

1261. Can you go one week without cursing at all?   I used to, so I think I still could.

1262. What's the best candy?   I like chocolate.

1263. Can you lick your own nose?   No.

1264. What song would you like to hear spontaneously in a public place (like a store)?   No idea.

1265. Do you ever make others feel unwanted?   I don't think so.

1266. Do you think you have ever made others feel unwanted without realizing you were doing it?   Maybe.

1267. Are you very sensitive to what other people are feeling and how they will react to certain things?   I am, somewhat.

1268. Have you ever climbed a tree?   Yep.

1269. Do you feel somehow different when the moon is full?   No.

1270. Who do you know that talks a lot but never really says anything?    I used to know people like that in school, but I think they just didn't want to open up to people they weren't close to. I used to be a bit like that myself.

1271. Is world peace possible?   It doesn't seem to be.

1272. Who do you know that is making a huge life mistake yet you can't stop them? What’s the mistake?   I don't think I know anyone in that situation right now. Sometimes I think people take life too much for granted, and don't make the most of it, but then, neither do I.

1273. Do you plan to own a home or rent an apartment for most of your life?   I plan to own a home at some point.

1274. Would you enjoy going to a strip bar to see strippers (of whatever sex you find appealing)?   No.

1275. Would you ever consider stripping in a sexual way for money?   No. I'm too modest.

1276. Would you ever consider being a nude model for an artistic life drawing class for money?   See above.

1277. What are 2 goals that you have?   Getting a job and finding an apartment.

1278. What are 2 negative traits that you have?  I procrastinate and criticize people too harshly.

1279. Will these negative traits stop you from achieving your goals?   Procrastination may.

1280. Everyone knows that you are nice, fun, creative, and good but what are 4 other positive traits that you have?   Hmm... I'm cheerful, persevering, tactful and open-minded.

1281. How often do you daydream about your wedding day?   Never.

1282. If you were hiring someone for a job but could only ask him or her 3 questions in the interview what would you ask?   Can't think, it's too hot...

1283. If you were interviewing someone for the position of your new friend but could only ask 3 questions, what would they be?   See above.

1285. Wholesome - Conducive to sound health or well being; salutary: simple, examples: wholesome food; a wholesome climate, Promoting mental, moral, or social health: example: wholesome entertainment.

Do you enjoy wholesome activities (sports, cooking, beach, family time, zoo, museums, etc.)?   Yes.

If yes what wholesome activity do you enjoy the most?   Of the ones mentioned, museums.

Are you a wholesome person?   I'm disgustingly wholesome, except for the food and exercise part:).

1286. When was your first kiss and what was it like?   Never been kissed...

1287. Are you quiet and shy?   No.

1288. Are you bitchy, cranky, whiny, miserable, depressed, needy, mean, flakey, shallow, obnoxious, inconsiderate, nervous, and/or stuck up?   No.

1289. Do you come off any of these ways even if you aren't really like that?   I don't think so.

1290. Are you loud and unfriendly?   No.

1291. Can a positive attitude/good personality make up for someone being less than beautiful?  Yes, sure. I don't see why there's a need to make up for not being beautiful, though.

1292. Can being totally beautiful and hot make up for a negative attitude/bad personality?  Beautiful people may get away with things easier, but probably not with people who know them intimately.

1293.What are you seeking?   I'm not seeking for anything in particular right now.

1294. Could you see yourself as a future nun/monk?   Maybe, but it's a reach.

1295. Would you rather have a baby or get a pet?   I've had many pets, so I'd rather have a baby. Yeah, because pets and babies are totally interchangeable, right? Seriously, how old is the maker of this questionnaire?

1296. What mistake do you repeat over and over?   I don't speak my mind in time.

1297. What do you think of the restaurant Hooters?   It doesn't bother me.

1298. What are 5 traits that make someone ugly?   Can't think... Selfishness and bitterness are never attractive.

1299. Do you hate when people tell you to smile?   People don't tell me to smile, I do it anyway.

1300. Do you like the writing of Douglas Adams?   Yes, the little I know. He had a brilliant mind:).

So, there we are. I found the present, by the way, and a little something for my goddaughter, and a calendar for myself. It's purple, with butterflies and roses, and it looks better than it sounds. Maybe I'll make a few more entries in this one than I did in the last one. My blogging has taken the place of my personal journal, and it's rather a shame. I'm always inspired to write in a new calendar, but then I start to forget, and then I just don't care anymore. I'm obviously more suited for blogging, because here I get feedback, and I get to do memes, and see what others are writing about. I like having this constant interaction, rather than keeping everything all secret.
   I'll tell you about the trip tomorrow. See you then!

idle speculation, what i did today, the 5000 question survey

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