Aug 20, 2007 23:34
and still no progress...As its looking right now I will probably be induced early next week. If nothing happens between now and next mon(the 27th) I go back in to the doctors and he will call labor and delivery to see when they can get me in possibly that night if they are not too busy. And at that time they put something in to get me ready to be induced that stays in for 12hrs then once they remove it they will start the medicine to make me contract. Tomorrow I have another ultrasound to get an idea of his size which can be off by a pound or so and his position(hes pretty sure hes head down but theres a possiblity that hes turned into a breech position. Depending on the outcome of the ultrasound will give him an idea on how hard to try and push the labor thing or if we have to do the c-section.