Jun 22, 2004 20:57
sorry not much to update about today.... pissed off at teddy again so what's new... today i went over there before work and when i left danny was over and teddy's like call me when u get off work and im like ok, so i get off work and i come home and get all ready so i can just head over there and what do you know i go to call him and HE'S NOT HOME!!!! wtf... why would you have me call u if u aren't planning on being there? and here it is fucking 9:00 at night and he still hasn't called. so i'm just really pissed off cuz i NEVER fucking do this to him so why does he do it to me like every other week or two? aaaaaaagh.... somethin needs to change here whether it be we take a break or just break up or he needs to fucking learn to have some manners... we'll have to wait and see.