Experience as a career counselor, or experience taking career counseling? Because one person's bad experience is just anecdotal evidence and not necessarily indicative of the average experience. That's not enough to say that an entire field is ineffective.
Well, from my experience and that I've seen of others, their predictions of what fields to get into and how they read the "trends" are completely bogus
( ... )
That's certainly a bigger sample group than one person ^_^ Sorry about my nerdy nit-picking. I've been thinking a lot about people making decisions based on anecdotes from friends vs what statistics show. Statistics are more likely to be accurate because the sample group is bigger, but people are naturally more likely to trust friends. Your comment just brought that to mind.
Yeah, predicting the future is hard. I know I was told that I'd make a mint right out of College with my Computer Science degree. Too bad the dot com bubble burst while I was still in school, and lots of low-level computer jobs considered me overqualified, so I spent a year and a half mostly unemployed.
Well, that sucks. I didn't put up the log-in info because I was both lazy and thought the results I got sucked, but yes, that is the site that produced such fun suggestions for me as "taxidermist."
Also, the whole "career counseling" field is ineffective. I speak from experience.
Yeah, predicting the future is hard. I know I was told that I'd make a mint right out of College with my Computer Science degree. Too bad the dot com bubble burst while I was still in school, and lots of low-level computer jobs considered me overqualified, so I spent a year and a half mostly unemployed.
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