Jan 28, 2007 12:42
Well, I have officially been here for 13 days, not quite enough to be two weeks. I love it here, I really do, but there are so many things from home I miss, and so many things suprisingly, that I do not. I love the fashion here, and how everyone dresses so fashionforward. It will be so weird to go home still see people in american eagle, but next fall, I'll have all the cute stuff from london. I'm sure I'll miss this place quite a bit when I do have to leave but for now, I'm enjoying everything...
everything that is, except the food. I've been eating beef ... (yuck!) only cause I have to, and trying to find as much chicken as possible and relying on burger king once or twice a week to sustain my body because the cafeteria food here is so disgusting. I will deal, eventually. I've forced myself to try new things and actually liked them, so that's a good sign. I just feel like I'm on an all carb and apple diet, since the only thing I eat here are chips (potato wedges) and apples and grapes and m &ms and burger king. that's my wonderful diet, and the occasional chicken escarole sandwich. I suppose I'll get a little wild and actually try the food in france. haha. maybe..
My dorm is great, and comfortable, the bed could be comfier but it's fine. My roommate is quiet and respectful. We get along great, we just dont...'hangout'. I dont mind though, I have my own friends, molly and morgan, who are from wisconsin and chicago, and tessa and tori who are from manhattan.
I've met lots of boys here too, First there was Joe, a boy I met at Imperial College Union and we danced and drank and kissed and it was fun. He even walked me home.
Then there was Allen, this kid who I met after the boat party and we got plastered, but i had sobered up by the time we hooked up and he was still drinking so co, and he didnt really remember much the next morning, which I suppose is a good thing since he had a girlfriend from home, which he said that the picture of them on his bulletin board was in fact him and his sister. I knew THAT was not true, but did i care?....NO. he was a good kisser, and knew what he was doing..
Anyways, then I started to get sick, and the middle part of the week was like death for me, especially with all my first week of classes and I have this horrible cough and I even had a bad fever for awhile, but that went down finally, and I'm just trying to get over this cough. But I met this kid Gerald in one of my classes and we went to a museum for class and hung out and talked and flirted the whole time and we were both really tired and i needed cough medicine and we wanted food, so we went to burger king, got dinner and went to Boots for my medicine and then walked back to ambassador dorm building and watched friends on dvd for 5 hours and it was so cute, cause i was sick and we were cuddling and i was like 'i wanna kiss you but i dont want you to get sick so it's up to you' and it was like a movie kiss when he came in and kissed me. It was really nice, and so is he. I'll see him again on tuesday. I've read two books since I've been here and at some point i need to get half of taming of the shrew read by tuesday as well....
and while I'm on the subject of boys, there is another boy. I knew this kid Chris, that i'd been talking to on myspace for awhile before I even came to London and we had talked about meeting up and i was nervous about it but i finally met him on monday for lunch and we had the most interesting conversations, about politics, philosophy and everything. really intelligent and witty and he could actually KEEP up with my energy and how fast I talk, and he was really cute! we didnt kiss or anything, he just kissed me goodbye on the cheek and i had to force myself not to call him back the next day, so i waited for him to call and he did, while i was with gerald, ironically. he texted me and asked me out again for today (sunday) to camden markets, so now I'm in the laundry room waiting for my laundry to get done so i can go shower and hop a bus to camdentown see him for the afternoon=)