(no subject)

Oct 09, 2006 02:40

So I just got done watching a documentary on eating disorders. Is it really screwed up that it just makes me want to try harder? I'm no where near where these girls were and I want to be so badly it hurts. I consumes my every thought. The show focued on all the bad parts. Hospital stays, money spent on therapy, suicide attempts, cutting, and death. Of course I don't want those things. But by interviewing the family members it also showed how much these girls' families cared and were there for them. I think thats what I want. That and the the achievement I get from losing a pound. Shows and books like that only make me want to lose more. Pictures of celebs and models some times works but true documentaries and stories from real anorexics make me want to lose so much more.

I am doing alot better this week with my food intake. I'm getting back on my losing weight cycle and that makes me happy. I did the Race for the Cure here in Denver this morning. It was fun. I only walked it because I had my son with me but I walked fast. Its really inspiring being there with 65,000 other people walking to make a difference. Its amazing because you look in front of you and all you see is people so you think you are in the back and then you look behind you and all you see is people. Its truly inspiring.
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