de - wait for it - lightful

Sep 23, 2008 10:45

*hugs TV*
Even when it's not great, it's still makes me happy!

Oh, Barney! Oh, Barney and Robin!, no one else matters. Okay, maybe Sherbatsky needs to eat a sandwich but otherwise, great premiere, everything made me happy, Ted is back to annoying me, although Sarah Chalke is still lovely - and also needs to eat. Who doesn't need to? Marhsall. OMG, Jason, put down the bong and the Doritos, take a nap and get back to being cute! Funny and cute - not funny and creepy. Aly didn't have a whole lot to do - except make Barney even BETTER and I think that Barney/Robin will OVER TAKE the show which will make me happy. Much like Monica and Chandler did by being awesome, so will Barney and Robin.

I look forward to the season, definitely but I actually feel good about it. Huh. Strange and new experience!

Oh and read tlace's awesome B/R fic!


Many things surprised me here - BUT, and maybe I'm alone, but I'm not trusting what I'm seeing, if that makes sense. We totally dug it and I'm loving the idea of Dean being chosen by God and Sam being chosen by...well not God and what that can ultimately mean (Winchester Rumble of Hotness).

Mostly I was surprised that he was out of Hell so quickly. I mean I thought it would go for at least two episodes so I was left scratching my head. I didn't realize the girl would be Ruby until she was in front of Sam at the restaurant and I was like OMG, duh much? And I soooo prefer the blonde girl to this one. I was relieved that they didn't kill Bobby - I was a little on edge there for a bit. I LOVE that Sam is using his powers. That is super duper awesome and I can't wait to see more of it.

I love how even though the black eyes have been around since the beginning but I still find it works every time it flashes quickly to the black and back again. It gets the job done without having to be too flashy. I don't know...just something that occurred to me the other night when watching it.

I don't read spoilers, I try not to even read stories about shows anymore because they give so much away but I had read something in EW's fall preview with EK and I'm...I'm still surprised that he's out of hell so easily. I'm really glad I stuck with this show. And I think I've convinced Tee to watch it, too! Yay!


Um...why do I continue to watch this show? It's not even that I don't like, it just ANNOYS the shit out of me. Like I don't particularly like any of the characters anymore, everyone just whines and whines, I find Sylar to be completely ineffective as a villain, Borehinder makes me want to be violent, Claire is too concerned with Claire, Peter is rapidly becoming a tool, Matt has always been useless, etc. etc.

And YET I watched all 2 hours of it and I KNOW I will continue to watch it next week. Why? Because there were a few parts, scenes, whatever that piqued my interest. However, the whole, I thought dragged and although better than any episode last year, how much better IS that, actually?

There's not enough focus. I felt like my head was spinning with all the different characters. This show works best when it is focused on a simple storyline with a few different characters. It becomes confusing and headache inducing when it doesn't. I don't want to be be one of those fans who constantly bitch about a show - I get so angry at those people - like stop watching it if it makes you miserable! But I think I finally understand how it happens. I've invested time and I want to be rewarded but I don't think that will happen. They have 3 weeks to convince me otherwise.

As good as it can be stuff:
  • Scarred Peter - I just like him scarred, although he was far more effective and far less whiney in the first season when he was angry and banging Niki.
  • David Anders - 2 seconds is 2 seconds of goodness
  • Claire's headless body being dragged around by creepy fear guy. That was kind of awesome. In fact, Mama Petrelli's whole crazy dream of death and destruction was cool. More darkness, please. Thanks.
  • Anything where Ali Larter and Adrian Pasdar can be sexy together, I'm kind of a fan of.
  • OMG, BRAINS! Finally an answer. Thank you. And thanks for being a little funny, too.
  • Weevil! I still just love Francis Capra. I can't help it. I'll love him even more when he does bad bad things to Elle.
  • Kind of love Linderman, glad he's back - although obviously he's in Nathan's head, right? I mean, DL squeezed his brain to DEATH. There's no coming back from that.

    Not good stuff:
  • Why for the love of all things is MAYA still around? AND how does she suddenly speak perfect English? Blech. Die already.
  • WHY are they still insisting that narration on this show is a good idea? IT'S NOT! Shut up already. Let us watching the fucking show, time waster.
  • I'm so torn on Ali Larter. I have been a fan of hers for forever now and I kind of liked Niki/Jessica in the beginning and then I just got over it and then last year she was soooo whiney and horrible. NOW she's Tracy and she's a literal ice queen. Oh-kay. There's a part - a tiny part - that is intrigued that her other personalities would have different abilities because that could be very cool. And the idea that she and Nathan will be screwing like bunnies, I may hop back over to liking her again. PLUS she was in the Mama's DoD&D and she was on the side of bad with David Anders. I like her bad. I don't like her whimpy and whiney.
  • I know I'm pretty much alone in my lack of caring over the Bennett's. Hayden just bothers me now and most of her scenes with Peter read all kinds of wrong to me because of their relationship. And I can usually let go of people's private lives and focus on the show and/or acting (hi, Jeremy Piven) BUT here, I have to admit that I'm having trouble doing so. HRG stopped being interesting to me a while ago which breaks my heart because he was soooo awesome.
  • Like I said above, I don't care for Sylar. I think Quinto chews every scene he's in and it's not even enjoyable half the time. Like he could be OTT and still kick ass and be funny but I don't get that all. I used to think he was creepy and interesting and then as season 1 went on, I stopped and season 2 helped NO ONE on the show. Maybe he just needs to win me over again - same with almost every other character. I did enjoy his scene with Claire, though. I thought those scenes worked well, for the most part.
  • Gabriel...Petrelli. Hmmm. Is it a manipulation by Mama Petrelli? Or are they actually going there? I can see that happening and them saying, "We've planned it this way all along!" when, really, they decided over the summer because everyone has dark hair. Argh. Whatever. However it goes, I'll admit I'm interested because Mama Petrelli is an enigma and I don't know where she's coming from and that I like.
  • Hiro. :(

    In other news:
  • Doctor's appointment today.
  • Fringe tonight - hopefully chockfull of almost naked Joshua Jackson. It makes everything better.
  • I should be getting the Jeep back tomorrow. Cracked overflow tank or something. Phew. It's a long story - to make it short Boch sucks and told me nothing was wrong. I have it for a 1/2 hour and it starts smoking and coolant is pouring it out of it - yeah, nothing wrong. Suck it, Boch.
  • I posted the first chapter of a new B/S fic here. Eek.
  • the suck: cars, tv: heroes, tv: himym, tmi: life, tv: spn, otp: buffy/spike, fic: mine

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