not a bad day

Jun 06, 2007 13:44

Top 5 reasons I'm in a rare good mood:

1) Both of the fics I posted yesterday have been very well received which phew! I was a little nervous because you just never know. People really seem to like the Buffy/Spike one which just fills me with joy. And I got the nicest compliment ever on the Jim/Pam one. It's neat! I'm actually pretty floored.

2) I'm selling my old car with no heat, broken fans, wonky gas gage, 100,000 miles and bad tires for $1600. Yay! AND Limon (the Jeep because it's green and a lemon and we're nutty folk who name our cars) has been well behaved the last few weeks. *knocks on wood*

3) I bought How I Met Your Mother s1 at Costco for $15. WHEEE! And, dudes, I did a whole fic pimping post the other day but it was a Friday so I'm not sure who saw it so whatever BUT HIMYM + ZOMBIES. It's too good to pass up. How many times do you read the sentence, "Zombie high five!" I want a zombie infestation JUST so I can say that to someone.

4) Buffy season 7 is A LOT better than I remember it.

5) I'm so glad we don't have to wait 6 months for new Entourage and it will start again in 2 weeks. (Okay, I remember when I wanted nothing to do with this show and now both D. and I are such whores for it. We still haven't seen the 1st season/beginning of 2nd season and we were going to buy it at Costco but they ran out, probably because it was $20. For those of you who have watched from the beginning, is it worth it to buy it or should we rent it? Our video store doesn't have the first season but maybe netflix/blockbuster does.)

fic: recs, tv: btvs, otp: jim/pam, tv whore, tv: himym, otp: buffy/spike, fic: mine

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