the grass is always greener...

May 25, 2007 17:15

What the FUCK is wrong with LJ? It's eating my posts? What about that stupid auto saving thing? Guess that doesn't work anymore? ASSES.

As tlace said to me, "Sometimes being a tv hor sux." True that.

In a word: meh. There were things I liked - the big evil eye that can see Molly (hi, LotR!) and um...I think there was more, probably? I don't know. I expected too much and I was let down. I should know better!

Hee! Bye bye! Stupid wardrobe, stupid non-existant forced OTP chemistry, stupid names (Gory! REALLY??!?!?), stupid wasted Jake Kane appearance, hi Logan!, hi Weevil!, weird Mac/Dick crap, weird "cliff hanger" ending which was LAME. Whatever. We're done with it which is the best thing about it. Although, I do hope JDoh and Francis get jobs quickly on something I will watch because they deserve it after all the crap of VM. Buh-bye, bitches!

In an effort to be lazy, I'm copying and pasting an email that started a convo between me and tlace:

You mean this bearded, fucked up Jack? To steal from you: OMG MY LOINS ARE ON FIRE!!!! (see icon)

Good GOD I LOVED THE FINALE. Way more than Heroes. I’m so glad I have no expectations when it comes to this show because it actually helps! I don’t think JJ is in any way involved in the show anymore (whee!). It’s all Damon and Carlton now and I think because Damon obviously loves the show and wants to see it succeed and wants to keep the fans and keep them coming back (I’m looking at YOU, Rob Thomas), that they made a real effort to do more this season.

You may not be a Jack/Kate shipper but it was pretty sweet when he told her. And I got a just love not an “in” love vibe from it which is awesome because I don’t care about that. I do care about Jack, though, which wow, weird and I think it was really important for him to tell her that.

However, I got a Jack/Juliet kiss which WHEEE! (And I agree about the Juliet/Sawyer combo - pretty much I’m a whore for anyone with either of those two men so whatev…)

I am happy that Charlie’s gone but it was really sad and poignant and very well done. (It appears that Dominic is quite happy with this development, as well.)

Okay so everyone keeps saying that they were flash forwards BUT I thought it was actually future Jack having flashbacks to when they were rescued. It just seemed be set up that way. With the Charlie and Locke stuff it makes it a little bit difficult to see it from that perspective but even when it’s a Jack or Locke or Kate centric episode, there’s always other character things happening, too. So it started with FutureJack and all his bearded fucked up glory and went into WHY he was bearded and fucked up. I think from now on it will be future stuff with island flashbacks which I think is awesome. I’m not sure how long in the future this is supposed to be - to guess I’d say 6 months to a year and it would be very interesting to see where everyone would be after the island. The story of how they got off the island still needs to be told and could be done in the 16 eps for next year because 16 eps would probably be one day! ;)

I find it incredibly cool that the one person who was completely put together pre-island is (I’m taking a guess here) going to be the most screwed up. I really think the rest will now be in a better place and it will be Jack who will be the one who just needs to go back. I do think it’s Ben who died - or Locke - but I’m going w/ my gut and saying Ben because he was just so upset by the obit and ready to jump off a bridge onto CONCRETE! Not even the water that was right next to it but concrete. Dude. That’s hardcore. If Ben’s dead, that’s his last hope of getting back to the island.

I just loved it. Now I’ve talked too much ;)

The only thing different is WHO DIED? I'm still trying to think of a good reason why it's Ben - as Tee gave me some interesting questions to ponder. I guess I have SIX MONTHS to think about that!

I'll talk about The Office next week. When I've watched it for the 100th time.

How the hell is it 95°?

tv: heroes, tv whore, tv: vm, tv: lost

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