one big melting pot of tv

Oct 06, 2006 15:17

I am tired. I am cranky. I am loving tv. I swear if tv were to go away, I just have no idea what I would do. It's like it's 1999 and I'm watching every single show the WB throws at me and then some.

  • The Office: LOVE. Big, huge love for the last two episodes. I wasn't too thrilled with a lot of the premiere but I thought the last two weeks have been on. I really, really like what they're doing with J/P. I'm glad it's not so over the top, that they both seem to be trying to live their lives and grow (especially Pam! Cute shirt!) and when they're ready, they'll talk and I'm sure I'll swoon. I think it's very in character for the both of them and I'm excited to see how they will continue it. Dwangela scares me. I love Jan. I love Toby's crush on Pam! I adore Creed (and my mom is like I loved the Grassroots! And I said Creed from The Office was IN The Grassroots! So now she loves Creed even more)

  • MNiE: Is it it me or is it just not as funny this year? It's still funny and Joy kills me dead but I don't know...OR maybe I'm so focused on TO that I'm not really noticing the greatness?

  • Gilmore Girls: 2 for 2. I don't know but I'm really enjoying it so far. I like Lorelai again. I even like Rory. I'm a little on the fence about the whole Lane thing but I KNEW that would happen so I probably shouldn't hold it against her. I'm sad about the L/L break-up but, really, he has been such a putz and she was not being herself at all and they need this break in order to figure out it all out. I'll be really pissed off if they don't end up together but I get the break. I encourage the break. I don't encourage Christopher but like I said last week, I get it. I'd rather she end up with MAX than CHRIS. He sucks so bad, I can't even begin. But Luke punched him in the face and it was like, ah, sweet victory! The whole teaser was just awesome this week. Yay to punching Christopher in the FACE! Yay!

  • Heroes: Still digging it. I thought it was much quicker this week than last. I'm totally into the Niki thing and I adore Hiro. It has definitely piqued my interest. And, yay Greg Grunberg! I'm so happy. He's just the best. A big bear of a guy. Love him. Am I supposed to care about the painter and his girlfriend? Because I sooo don't. And Mohinder is beautiful. Although I don't think he should just trust the waif. C'mon, now.

  • Studio 60: It rocks. I sort of love it. I want to be Sarah Paulson or Harriet. Either one would be fine. And I'm totally crushing on Matthew Perry which is interesting.

  • Grey's Anatomy: Um, I haven't watched last night's yet...although I did see the last 2 minutes and I did see the part where Addie essentially tells Mere to fuck off which THANK GOD! If she continued to play nice, I would hurt someone. I'm really starting to not like George at all and really starting to like Alex. My world is askew!

  • Friday Night Lights: I really, really liked it. D. was so mad by the end that he's like we're not watching it anymore and I'm all YOU'RE not watching it, don't drag me into it. Yes, it's very similar to the movie but I don't care. I loved the movie. I didn't expect the QB to get hurt this early (and though I find the idea of the 2nd stringer coming in and winning the game a little too hokey...I just don't care) so that surprised me. I liked the cast (mmmm, Kyle! You are so drenched in Southern charm and you're so cute and you look so determined and YUM) and I will continue to watch it until I, possibly, get bored. Which may happen. Or it may not.

  • Supernatural: So far, it's been okay. I actually really liked the premiere and last night was okay for me. Mostly because I fucking HATE clowns. And just seeing the clown on the side of the road, waving? Creeped me out so much. Here's the thing I dislike about SPN, I think they have really good build up to their creepy, mystery-type episodes but the ending always sort of lacks. Not all of them...but a lot and I feel let down a little. I am bummed about Daddy Winchester. I kind of thought he would take him to hell or something, not kill him and then later on he'd pop up somewhere because I understand Shonda's giving him work which yay, Shonda! but still, he could have disappeared again with the gun and still built something around that. But obviously death has more of an impact and I even got a little choked up when Sam saw him dead and the coffee dropped in slow-mo. I'm definitely sticking with it.

  • Desperate Housewives: I still haven't made up my mind about this. It's already better than it was last year. But it's still kind of lame. If there was anything else on Sun. at 8, I would give it up.

  • Brothers and Sisters: It has potential and the cast is great. I think I could like it. I'll give it more time.

  • Veronica Mars: I wasn't too thrilled by the premiere. However, I'm told that it was to entice new people. Okay, fine. As I told tlace, if it weren't for the cast, I'd be done with it. They need to really engage me this year. And the forseeable Veronica/Logan/Piz triangle won't do it. I am glad that Mac is a regular, though.

  • Lost: It kicked so much ass in the first four minutes that I was like "Okay, officially back into Lost again". And that one teaser was eons better than almost every single show I mentioned above. They really did a great job with the writing, the pacing of the episode, answering a couple of things, opening a whole slew of other things (and not once did I get mad about it like I usually do because it made me curious and not just like great another question they'll never answer!), I didn't even notice that the other people weren't addressed/mentioned until about 9:45 and I found that I didn't care at all. I really like Elizabeth Mitchell so I'm very happy that she's joined the cast. She has this wonderful calm about her that really worked well in Gia and I think it will work very well here. I like the idea of her and Jack but c'mon! I just started shipping Jack and Kate. They must know I'm the most fickle bitch on the planet. Ben is the creepiest man alive. End of story. I can't believe I'm about to say this because I haven't said it in so long...Yay! Lost is back!

    Remind me not do that again. That took forever.

    I wrote a little Jim/Pam story which can be found here. It's set during "The Client" which, apart from "Casino Night", holds my most favorite Jim and Pam moments. tlace is doing such a fantastic job with All In and if you haven't read it, please do.

    We are working non-stop in the apartment this weekend. D. said he needed it to be done this weekend or he would kill himself. I laughed but I don't think he was joking. It's really not going well with his mom's boyfriend. BUT his new job is great! So thank goodness something is okay.

    I should work. But it's Friday. Before a long weekend. And I hate this place. And I need to stop whining.
  • tv: heroes, tmi: the aparment, otp: jim/pam, tmi: the boy, tv: spn, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: vm, tv whore, tv: the office, tv: gilmore girls, fic: mine

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