hanging onto the bumper

Sep 27, 2006 10:36

Yay, tv!

I really kind of loved it. And maybe it's because I know it wasn't ASP and I don't think it could get any worse than last year but I thought it was really well done. DR got me to actually think Rory and Logan were cute! That says something right there.

L/L: It felt like Lorelai again. And even if it was heartbreaking, it was good. It was needed. And even the Christopher thing (and GOD I hate it when he calls her "Lor", it drives me crazy!)...I get what they're going to do. I think. As long as L/L end up together, I'm fine with her doing this. It's extremely selfish of her but I don't know, maybe because I don't care about Christopher. But maybe she needs someone who wants her, who actively ACTS like he wants her and loves and wants to be with her. THAT I get and I can understand why she would choose that right now.

Although, really she should just take a break but I think throwing herself into anything with Christopher is only to dull the pain of losing Luke.

I'll just say that I thought "The Twilight Zone" rocket ship was extremely romantic and I was quite proud of Logan because I didn't think he was. And I'm actually going to defend him right now so OMG what are they doing to me???, if Rory would just SAY to him "Christmas? I was thinking now, actually", I have no doubt that he wouldn't change the ticket immediately. But she doesn't. She just sits there and stays quiet (hi, Lorelai, two peas in a pod!) and thinks the worse. That is not his fault and is only hers.

I love Paris. And Sookie.

I didn't think it was too far off from previous years. Obviously, some things will be different but I thought the general tone of the show and the Girls were on. I insanely loved the part where she was packing away Luke's things and had a story because that's just how it is. And the bed. And the house. It will all remind her too much and that I love. And I adore that she stood up for herself; that she finally SAID something. And I don't believe Luke would have made a grand gesture if she hadn't started it. He would still be going on the way that it was and that was unacceptable.

I'm really looking forward to this season!

I thought it was really, really slow to start. I think when it hit the halfway mark, it really kicked into gear. I'm not the biggest fan of Adrian Pasdar (oh, I know! The HORROR!!) but it is not my fault that he always plays that guy! But I do like that he's married to a Dixie Chick and so that wins him some points and wow, tangent! I don't think Milo was very whiny like I read but he's Jess so I'm like yay! (sorry, tinamishi) I think that Peter was only supposed to believe he could fly to get his brother to fly. I think him seeing that painting was to get him to really believe it but really, what his power is has nothing to do with flying. I think he's empathic and a little psychic...that's just going from his hospice job and what he told his mom about knowing that the father was dead.

So anyway, I totally adore Ali Larter and Niki is really interesting. It's her mirror image that does the bad things, right? Does that mean she's not good? Or because those men were bad, it's okay? Or maybe she can be in two places at the same time?

I love Hiro and I think Claire will be really interesting. I'm curious as to what the eclipse has to do with it and I'm glad, really glad, that it didn't suck ass like every other new show (I'm looking at you, Jericho)! Oh and the paintings? So creepy. And I love creepy!

The only thing that bothered me, and this is more the network's fault than the show, was going out on a TBC and wondering if maybe Milo was just a Doyle and getting way excited for next week to see what happens and then they show "coming up on" montage and there he is and he's making out with the girl who is supposed to be in love with the painter/prophect/junkie! Hey, way to spoil your audience there, NBC! I'm sure Claire would have a nifty little cheer for that.

I forgot how much I like Matthew Perry. When Matt was talking about Harriet? So good! And I liked Amanda Peet a lot more this episode. In fact, I liked this episode a lot more. I need to read up more on this and learn some character names because I'm lacking. My favorite part was the end when the clock change back to 6 days, etc. I think I could really learn to love this show.

Should I cap the new shows? I'm trying to decide. I was thinking about capping Supernatural but I've had no problems finding caps for that. What do you think?

tv: heroes, tv whore, tv: gilmore girls

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