it's here!

Sep 21, 2006 09:22

Today, I feel like a bus hit me and then just for good measure, it backed up and ran me over when I was already down for the count. BUT I won't let the fact that I can't breathe, can't really hear and can't swallow get me down. Because, today, could possibly be one of the best days EVA...or one of the worst, depending on what the good folks over at The Office decide to do tonight. But I have faith. It's good TV and after last night, well, I'm just happy for it to be back.

So, Jericho, kind of, sort of, really sucked. The acting was one thing (oh, Skeet) but, in general, it was just boring. And sort of lame...well, really lame and I didn't feel like these people were in trouble at all, even though every single actor OVER acted, it didn't translate at all. Even Major Dad who was so insanely creepy and scary on Deadwood this year blew. It was very, very disappointing.

I deleted Smith without watching it. Anyone watch it? Was that a mistake? I also haven't watched any of Standoff and I'm wondering if I should bother at this point. But Ron Livingston! And Gina Torres! But I sort of figure if I haven't watched it yet, I'm probably not going to.

I saw about 5 minutes total of ANTM and um, Tyra looks extremely scary and is it me or do these so-called models get uglier every year? I don't know if I can watch it this year. I think I may have had my fill of the Jays.

I still dig Justice. Victor Garber rocks, any which way you cut him. Kerr Smith isn't bad! And Eamonn Walker is beautiful. I have loved him since he was Said on Oz and I continue to love him on this show. He's this huge man but I find him comforting and his's very soothing.

Why wasn't Project Runway on last night? I'm trying soooo hard not to be spoiled for the final four. But I know who I want to win and who should win and if that doesn't happen, I'll be mad as hell.

Oh, I am happy to have GA be back tonight but, really, I have tunnel vision for Thursday night TV. I could care less about the Mere/Derek/um, what was his name, again? triangle but I do care about the other characters (hi, Burke!). I will dvr Six Degrees but I'm hearing nothing good about it so we'll see. What I thought would be an incredibly busy TV season is already being whittled down to my old stand-bys! Yay!

Did anyone watch Kidnapped?

tmi: health, tv whore, tv: the office, tv: project runway

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