there are no dead students here...this week

Jun 27, 2006 08:25

I finally started that Buffy marathon I've been planning to do since, uh, it ended. So I got through the first season and although I had every intention to watch all of them, even "Teacher's Pet" and "I Robot, You Jane", I can't say that I did. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Tonight, season 2, which I'm super excited about. Being so crazed nutso for The Office lately has really awakened the fangirl within and it made me remember what it was like when I watched Buffy. And it makes me miss it.

Speaking of missing shows, with the passing of Aaron Spelling, I'm craving 90210 like you wouldn't believe! I do not understand why this show isn't out on DVD yet. It doesn't make any sense to me. I would totally buy it. And the Fug girls don't make it any easier on a girl, either, although they do make it funny.: Beverly Fug, 90210 and 90210: A Legacy of Fug. I wish they would talk about 90210 ALL THE TIME. I haven't seen a repeat since they took it off a FX and I really do miss it. I think that was when I first realized I could get totally obsessed with TV. I taped it every week. I watched Brenda try to be French, Kelly and Dylan fall in love, Brandon gamble too much, Emily Valentine torch the homecoming float, David infected with crabs, Donna meeting Color Me Badd and making her mother's cheating a-okay, Kelly become a cokehead (best EVER!!!), Dylan watch his wife get shot to death and so much more. I want it on DVD now.

My computer is dead again. No more Dells. That's my motto. I totally flipped out on the guy last night and it's just one big headache. My system board needs to be replaced. I couldn't even turn it on last night. It just kept beeping at me so we ran tests and he thinks the system board is gone. So that will be a week or two before I can do anything from home. Grrr. And I was on such a role, too.

This weekend was nice. It poured on Friday when I was leaving work and the backyard was gone. The street in front of our building, gone. The brook overflowed and it was the craziest thing. It was just a river and every street I normally go home on was flooded. That sucked. On Saturday, we primed the bathroom so now we can actually paint the walls and the ceiling and get the floor in and the toilet and sink. Sunday, Mom and Rick came down for my birthday dinner which my grandfather was supposed to cook but he's laid up with the gout. And, yes, my house is suddenly Deadwood. So I cooked it but I was fine with that because I love to cook. Steak Cacciatore, by the way. Easiest thing ever and deeeeelicious! Then we had cake - always yellow cake with fresh whipcream and strawberries from our garden. So, all in all, a pretty good weekend.

I'm really, really proud of tlace for posting her first Jim/Pam fic which you can read here, if you haven't already.

I do not want to work today.

Happy birthday, jenahville!!! I hope you have an awesome day, evil one :)

tv: btvs, tv: 90210, tmi: the aparment, the suck: computer, etc: pimp, tmi: life, tv: the office

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