i'm just a big old whore

Jun 21, 2006 08:07

I love screencaps. Like if that could be my job, I'd be totally happy with that.

I uploaded The Office (The Dundies, Booze Cruise, Drug Testing, and, of course, Casino Night.

For My Name is Earl, Joy's Wedding, Didn't Pay Taxes, and Dad's Car.

I think I'll do Felicity and some more Office tonight. I should probably call Dell. If/When I decide to get a new computer in the next few years (or at the rate I'm going with my new system, months), remind me to look into something other than Dell. My last two computers totally fizzled before their time and now this one has already had it's fan replaced and now it prompts for the floppy drive when there is no floppy drive and now the DVD/CD is burnt out. I just don't think they're worth it.

I used to be a Mac person. Maybe I should have stuck with that.

the suck: computer, goodies: screencaps, tv: the office

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