How did I get into this show in the first place? I totally got suckered in. Stop bastardizing my favorite people! Yes, I'm talking to you, Chris and Pickler. SHUT IT. Go away. Stop being the bains of my existence. Don't EVER sing Johnny Cash ever again on Idol. Just don't do it. OMG. My ears bled and the Cash clan simultaneously had heart attacks...not that any self-respecting Cash offspring is actually watching AI, mind you, but NO. Just NO. I think Chris wants me to hate him. I really, really do.
I'll give him credit for trying to do it "his" way and for "making it his own" and all that continual bullshit that they shove down our throats so when he doesn't win Idol but gets a record contract, everyone will be brainwashed that it's good. Well, no. He's a cover artist. He's Draw the Line or some other idiotic cover band. You bug me.
And Pickler. Why aren't you away from my TV screen, yet? Why does America keep voting for your squish face? WHYYYYY?????????????? Patsy Cline is one of my all-time favorites. My grandpa and I (and, damn, I sound just like the Pick, don't I??? EEK) used to listen to Cash, Cline, Jennings, etc while growing up and I just loved Patsy so much. I used to listen to her tapes over and over again and sing them as loud as I could in my bedroom and I watched the movie like a hundred times. She has the most beautiful and haunting voice...Love it, love her. And then there's the Pickler. She's so trashy and she's trying so hard to not be trashy that all I can see is just how trashy and stupid she is. *stab*
As for the rest...
Mandisa needs to stop screaming so much and just SING the fucking song.
Bucky is just...Bucky. I don't even get it.
Lisa is so incredibly boring.
I'm glad Paris is going back to what made her so good to begin with and now I can stop ranting about that. But just sing, honey. Don't speak. Ever. Thanks.
Elliott! You're boring, too, but you sound so great and did they dye your hair and possibly bleach your teeth a little? I read an interview with him and he said all he wanted was some veneers and I'm all aboard as long as they don't go the horse route like Hilary Duff's unfortnuate experience.
Taylor is just Taylor and I still adore him. That song sounds just like one from Eddie and the Cruisers...which has anyone seen that? It's so cheesy and awful and it's fantastic!! Loved the suit. Stylin', Taylor. Really.
Ace is still doing nothing for me. And I don't know what Barry's smoking but I'm pretty sure NO ONE wants to hear the falsetto. I'm pretty sure that's been the problem for the last 4 weeks or however long it's been. He needs to not do the falsetto because it's scary.
Katharine is my girlfriend but can someone please dress her properly for her figure? She was amazing last night and I'm not just saying that because I love her.
Kevin actually didn't make me tear my hair out and stick sharp instruments into my ears. AND Simon was nice to him which if he keeps that up he's going the way of the dodo. YAY!
awesome: Katharine, Paris
annoying: Chris, Pickler
go home: Lisa
I am in the process of capping last week's Earl and The Office so look for that sometime this week. I don't really have much to say about the Mars or Grey's Anatomy except: meh.
I watched a few movies this weekend: Proof - okay; The Constant Gardner - very good; Elizabethtown: NO; Just Friends: totally lame but we laughed. We have A History of Violence which we will watch at some point this week.
Marriage, Sunnydale-Style was nominated for a bunch of awards at Love's Last Glimpse and I nearly fell into a coma over it. I didn't think anyone read it anymore seeing as it hasn't been updated in forever and a day, so that was pretty neat. I have been toying with it and I'm going to send some stuff to my lovely, amazing beta.
It's 11:00. This week is dragging. DRAGGING. And, yes, I'm in love with caps today.