it's only tuesday and i hate this week

Mar 09, 2004 22:36

I am so exhausted and going to bed right this instant. Tomorrow the TOD returns and hopefully after tomorrow she will learn not to get on my list (although there's no real hope for her to get off of it now). We sort of got into a fight...and I hung up on her after yelling and sarcasm and more yelling. She called the GM, I went into the President. She thinks because the word manager comes after her name that she has the upper hand. I have many years on her in that company and tomorrow when we meet with the Big Man, I expect a major smackdown. If I have to bring up getting her lunch and setting up her meetings, I will. That is a big no-no with the Big Man. He wisely believes that although the 3 of us may answer the phones, we are not their slaves and they are perfectly capable of getting their own food, coffee, cups, etc and cleaning up their own meetings. She has yet to learn this. If he ever knew she had me get her lunch, he'd have a fit. So I do hope that she says something so ridiculous, which I'm sure she will, that I can bring it up.

She can bite my ass.

I also saw Michael last night. Bad day, needed the one person that can make me feel so great and so horrible at the same time. I don't think it helped a lot but it helped enough and I don't plan on seeing him again, which I told him and he got that. I just needed him yesterday and for once, he actually was there.

hate stab die, tmi: the ex, the suck: work

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