deeply shamed

Jan 19, 2004 00:24

So the other day I said I would be shamed if I didn't have MSS out by Friday. Well, I am. The weekend was relatively boring and I did try to work on it but I'm still in my "I just ended my 13 year relationship for good" funk so happy, marriage Spuffy has my muse running off and screaming. But I find that when I make Spuffy art, it makes me feel better or gets me motivated to write. Actually that's all I did today. I haven't made wallpapers in so long, it felt kind of nice to work with a huge canvas again. And again, thanks to nikita_80, ditssagirl, shannigansx and kriken for commenting. Much appreciated :)

I tried posting some icons last night but apparently I fall in the Santa cluster and have not been able to post at all this weekend. Here's to hoping this goes through or I'm going to be annoyed. I have to work tomorrow which sucks. Al Sharpton is on Bill Maher. He spoke at a breakfast we had a few months ago and the number of phone calls we received was off the charts. And everytime we had to explain that we must not show bias when inviting Presidential candidates to speak. But I just felt like saying, dude, seriously, get over it. If you don't like it, don't go, yet you're making a reservation so stop your bitching.

Feeling sleepy and OH...Alias? All I have to say is: Sark crotch, crotch of Sark. How many icons will we see?


800 or 1024

tv: alias, goodies: wallpapers

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