100 movies in 2009

Dec 28, 2009 10:16

Quick math - at 58 movies and 2009 ending in 3 days - it is safe to say I FAILED this year. And not just a little bit but EPICALLY on a massive, huge scale. At least last year I was only missing about 5 movies or something. I will conquer this in 2010. I WILL DO IT, BY GOD!!

58/100 )

movies: 100 in 09

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sweet_ali December 30 2009, 02:54:16 UTC
I won't be reaching my 100 this year either. I think I'll hit 80, but that's about it. Ah well.

BALLS ON A TRANSFORMER. Just when you think you've seen it all in life, leave it to Michael Bay to put two demo balls AS TESTIES ON A MACHINE.

Wow. The more I hear about this movie, the more I'm glad I never touched it. I really enjoyed the first transformers for the same reasons you said, but it seems any of that fun action awareness was completely gone and tackled into submission by Bay. Ebert gave a pretty hilarious review of it, if you never read it, check it out.

fairly regrettable White Oleander adaptation and it was great to see her back to work.

I really like Lohman too and yeah, that was a pretty awful adaption of that wonderful book, but Lohman at least held her own. She was so awesome in Matchstick Men and though i haven't seen much of her stuff since, I still like her. I wish i could watch this movie, but it'd creep me out too much, I think :P And I also am not a Justin Long fan. I can't put my finger on it, but always have this urge to make him shower. I passed my greasy phase with Ethan Hawke a while back.

(I blame Affleck and Forces of Nature)

Oh man, her downturn came *way* before that. "Two if by Sea", "Speed 2", "In love & War"? Eeeeeesh. I really liked her in Speed as well. Hell, I had that movie memorized, but that was more due to Keanu and all. Still, I liked her and then... Well, then everything else happened. She's now on my list next to Meg Ryan and Julia Roberts, unfortunately.

see what fits their life, their love, THEM.

YAY! So glad you enjoyed this film! SO GLAD. And what you said about tehir relationship, that's what made the movie for me. There were plenty of flaws in the film, but the touchstone was this relationship and how real and loving it was. THat line that Verona says to Burt, "No one's in love like us, right?", it just spoke of how special the knew they had it, how this movie wasn't about any question of their love, but about everything else. They figured out this monuemental thing, but were certainly fuck ups in almost every other aspect in their lives. I loved how they depended on one another, how they each took turns being the booster, how Verona was Burt's everything and he'd do anything he coul to make her happy, follow her anywhere to find the right life for them. Ugh, it's so unusual to actually find *real* couples in movies that are not dumbed down or saddled with fidelity issues or misunderstandings. For just that, this movie gets so many points.

Oh and didn't Alexi Murdoch's music work perfectly? A melancholy beat with rather upbeat lyrics? The use of "Wait" in taht final scene, it STILL makes me cry.

You should check out my review, because there's also behind the scenes stuff that was from the Q&A. Also, I got to brush against John Krasinski that night and well, that was a happy moment.

And I'm glad to see Mendes making a movie about relationships that doesn't end in pain or death for once.

Mendes actually took a break from Revoluntionary Road to do this movie because he needed to get away from the heaviness.

Mendes also handpicked JK for the movie, btw, after his experience with JK on "Jarhead" and JK auditioning for RR and the writers wrote the part of Verona with Maya Rudolph in mind. I'm seriously filled with A LOT of random info about this film.


heather13 December 30 2009, 19:25:25 UTC
80's still awesome! I think it says something about the MOVIES this year. I didn't want to watch any of them. Now at the end of the year, there's all kinds of movies coming out on dvd that I want to rent so I suspect 2010 will start off with a bang and having to not plan a wedding will free up a lot of time. Yay!

Dave still tries to insist that Tr2 is good and I'm like NO and if you persist, I will divorce you. It's his fault. He pointed out the balls. I would have just thought it was mediocre otherwise and not had such a raging hate on for it.

I LOVED WO book and the movie just blew past everything that was beautiful and moving and powerful and awful about it and it SHOULD have been good. With that cast, it should have been better than it was and I don't remember it being poorly acted so much as it was the movie itself just not being on par with the book in any way (very much like Time Trav. Wife) but Lohman at 16? was pretty great. Yes, Matchstick Men! One of the few Cage movies I can stomach.

Parts are pretty freaky deaky, I won't lie but it's SO over the top that you just can't but laugh through most of what's happening. Which is completely what Raimi USED to do with his horror movies so it's nice to see the return of that.

I'm preparing for the reawakening of my Ethan love with Daybreakers. Oh YEAH.

TWO IF BY MOTHERFUCKING SEA. You are absolutely right, my friend. And Speed 2, of course. HELLO. Duh. I stand corrected. I still like her, though, because I think I like HER as a person because she has yet to annoy me (same with Roberts - not the same w/ Ryan).

I didn't think they were that big of fuck ups. I mean, I guess they're floundering around a bit but they had a home, jobs, each other - I'm not really sure what classifies them as fuck-ups. Flawed, yes, but that's people and that's what I loved about it. I found it the most realistic depiction of a relationship outside of the Taylor's on FNL I've seen in movies/TV.

That lined KILLED ME IN MY SOUL because I think things like that all the time. I swear to god. I look at Dave and I just think no one can be as happy/love/angry as we are right now. No wife is as cool as I am ;) etc. etc.

Murdoch was awesome. I do have to find my cd that I bought ages ago. The wonders of Pandora.

BRUSHING AGAINST JKRAS? I'd be like Marcia Brady and never wash that side again. :)

I didn't know he did that. I don't blame him. That movie would have sapped every last bit of energy I had, too.


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