100 movies in 2009

Dec 28, 2009 10:16

Quick math - at 58 movies and 2009 ending in 3 days - it is safe to say I FAILED this year. And not just a little bit but EPICALLY on a massive, huge scale. At least last year I was only missing about 5 movies or something. I will conquer this in 2010. I WILL DO IT, BY GOD!!

4/5: Pretty frakking awesome.
3/5: Yeah, it was...goodish.
2/5: Hmm...not so much.

51. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2/5)
So...yeah. I kind of love the first one for what it is - loud, crash, bam, boom, Shia, hell even Fox. But this one...it's about 90 minutes too long. There's a lot of fat that could be trimmed. The "twins" were a wee bit offensive and not funny. Very Jar Jar. Shia's turned into kind of a douche, no? And it's not like Fox's acting improved in 2 years. And remember when John Torturro had a serious character-actor driven career? Yeah, now it's ass cheeks in a jock strap. But the real kicker, the ONE thing that sealed the proverbial deal of ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, BAY??? was when the big sucker vacuum Transformer (apparently called Devastator) was destroying the pyramid, there was a shot of it from its backside and the damn thing had two big swinging balls. BALLS ON A TRANSFORMER. Just when you think you've seen it all in life, leave it to Michael Bay to put two demo balls AS TESTIES ON A MACHINE. I can't handle the stupid and my brain shut down after that. Also, Fox's white pants never got dirty. That bugged me. Not as much as the balls. But don't put your actress in white pants and then stick her in action sequences. It's annoying.

52. Drag Me to Hell (4/5)
I floved this. It was so over the top and crazy and old school Raimi horror which is what made it completely awesome. I've been a fan of Alison Lohman's since the fairly regrettable White Oleander adaptation and it was great to see her back to work. I always like Justin Long - I blame the Mac commercials and a thing for dorks. I don't want to say too much because it's one of those movies where the less said about it, the better so I'll just say, sit back and enjoy it.

53. The Proposal (3.5/5)
I'd almost give it a 4 for naked RyRey but I'm trying to be a WEE bit subjective here. I like Bullock - whatever SHOOT ME - I'm from those years where she was in Speed and was plucky and sweet and funny and then it all went horribly wrong (I blame Affleck and Forces of Nature). There were parts that were funny and like I've said before - Reynolds makes me happy and makes me giggle like a little school girl. And, also? Betty White always for the win.

54. Observe & Report (3/5)
Um...let's see...I'm a huge Seth Rogan fan. See above: huge crush on dorks. I don't know what it is about him but he usually makes me giddy. I went into this knowing it was going to be DARK. Darker than the previews led you to believe, knowing about the drugged sex scene and the violence and all that. And, though parts were funny-ish and maybe I was in a bad mood but I don't think so because I wanted to like it, I just kind of didn't. I think Rogan is really quite good in it. He fits this schlubby mall-cop overachiever loser psycho hero (no, truly, all those things) really well ... and that's it. I'm usually a big fan of almost everyone in the cast - Anna Farris (annoying here but supposed to be so I guess she did her job? But I just wanted to punch in the face and the sex scene is just - it's not what certain media made it out to be), Ray Liotta (essentially playing Liotta in EVERY MOVIE HE'S BEEN IN SINCE 1990), LANDRY!!, a wasted Aziz Ansari and Michael Pena who's fate is to ALWAYS be Burkey - Brian Burke, that is, on Felicity.

55. G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra (2/5)
I shouldn't even give it a 2, really. It was soooooooo bad. I barely even watched it so I don't think I should be allowed to put it on the list, either but whatever I saw enough (and was pained by enough of it) so I'm doing it. Channing Tatum might be this side of pretty but the boy can not act. Sienna Miller looks nice with black hair. Marlon Wayans should be doing more Requiem-type movies because the boy CAN so doing shit like this makes my brain hurt. As can Christopher GD Eccleston who is 1 BILLON TIMES BETTER THAN THIS SCHLOCK. GOD. And, YOU, too, Joseph G-L! And so glad you left LOST for this, Mr. Eko! Good decision, there! Um, according to Netflix, Brendan Fraser was in it? Huh, missed that. Anyway, EPIC FAIL ENTIRE ACTING TEAM ON DECIDING THIS WAS YOUR NEXT BIG MOVIE. Herein lies the problem of having a husband...throwing a bone = renting bad movies every once in a while ;)

56. Away We Go (4.5/5)
I loved, loved, loved this. I had it for a while and I was too scared to watch it, I think because I kept thinking I'm going to hate it. I have yet to like a movie JKras has been in and I'm going to be completely disappointed and think it's just more self-aware prattling and hipster bullshit. And I would say that there is definitely a bit of those things BUT it's done in such a way that it's effortless and I didn't feel like I'd been pummeled about the head with the cool stick afterwards like with say Juno. It's a simple story about two people who love each other and find out their pregnant and need to decide where they want to make their home so they test out a few places, see what fits their life, their love, THEM. I kept thinking, "Wow, I wish had the guts to take D. and just get up and go, make a life somewhere that spoke to us" because I find that infinitely awesome and special. Their journey is hilarious and heartbreaking and their interactions with one another totally ON THE SPOT. There were things that Burt did that I was like "yes, Dave would totally do that/say that" and it would make me laugh and laugh (or cry). And I'm glad to see Mendes making a movie about relationships that doesn't end in pain or death for once. That is uplifting and has something positive to say about the bonds people share and the strength you get from the people you have in your life. It's not always American Beauty and Revolutionary Road. I should say that Maya Rudolph (despite my personal feelings on the lady) and JKras were just fantastic. Really. It was great to see him outside of Jim and the beard helped (boy do I love a beard!). I never once saw him as Jim Halpert and that is awesome. The rest of the cast is splendid from Burt's parents (Jeff Daniels and the always hilarious Catherine O'Hara) to an Earth-mother Maggie Gyllenhaal (probably the first time I've liked her since Darko) to a raunchy Allison Janney and a heartbreaking Melanie Lynskey. I will buy this - and I don't really buy many movies anymore.

57. It Might Get Loud (4.5/5)
I got this for Dave because Jimmy Page + The Edge + Jack White + rockdoc about the electric guitar = MUSIC PORN but I have to admit, I got totally sucked in and it was very, very enjoyable and quite interesting. My love for U2 has decreased over the years but I will admit that this definitely reawakened my crush for The Edge (always my preference over Bono) and he sings a version of "Sunday Bloody Sunday" that is AH-MAZING. Jack White's as quirky as always but it was great getting to learn a bit about him and getting to see how much he loves music and where he draws his inspiration from and just how talented he really is - which I think sometimes gets lost. And then there's Jimmy. There's a scene where Page starts to play the beginning of "Whole Lotta Love" and Edge & Jack just sit there and watch him, dopey smiles on their faces and it's hilarious and awesome and it says so much. I'd say if you love rock 'n roll, watch it. If you're a fan of any of the 3 bands represented (well 4-5 if you want to count Yardbirds and The Raconteurs), watch it. If you're both, YOU HAVE TO.

58. District 9 (4.5/5)
What a funky movie. Another one where I don't want to say too much because saying anything, really, gives away more than you should. So I'll say, I found it extremely interesting and sad and just kind of fucking awesome, really. After it settled. Like right now as I was thinking of things to say, I realized, yeah, that shit kicked massive ass and it was AWESOME. So, watch it. And let me know what you thought because I don't know...I'm curious because it took me 3 days to come to that conclusion. Dave and I just kept asking each other, "So what do you think of this so far?" and after "What did you think?" and we couldn't really answer.

movies: 100 in 09

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