wedding part 13: my hubby, the rock star

Nov 18, 2009 09:35

When we hired Tom, Dave immediately asked if it would be possible for him to play during the wedding and Tom thought that would be cool. So for almost a year they had lessons on any given Monday (Dave's been playing since he was 12 but Tom really helped progress him, I think). Dave picked Van Halen's version of The Kink's "You Really Got Me" (playing the EVH part with Tom singing). For 9 months, all I heard was the opener which was SUPER FUN! and so when the time came, I was incredibly impressed by what he learned and how well he did it. Tim took a video of it but apparently his wife is holding it hostage or something. We'll have to figure something out because I know it's killing him not to see it. All these photos and he's like ooh, there's me playing the guitar! Let's study it! ;)

Getting plugged in...

We're cheering him on, anxiously awaiting his debut! Oh and there's Tee with coffee. SHOCKER. ;)

I think this is right after that opening chord which is pretty bad ass.


I love the big smile on Tom's face. I think he's proud.

How cute is that?!?!

All his adoring fans! His dad was completely blown away so that was super cool because his dad is...I don't know. Whatever, he's better than mine so I shouldn't say anything.

He LOVED this. Attention whore.

We're getting to the end! Many of you are saying "thank goodness!" But hey, I'm posting.

Next...the details.

tmi: wedding

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